View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2012): Environment

As Leviathan enters its third year of production, I wish to extend a warm welcome to our readers, new and old. Leviathan aims to shed light on the crucial yet sometimes overlooked issues of our political environment, stimulating thought-provoking analysis and debate. We examine today’s issues through a variety of themes in an effort to offer new perspectives. The theme of this issue is “The Environment”.

As a generation, we face unprecedented obstacles. We face mounting debt, social unrest, and environmental decline, among a multitude of other quandaries. This issue of Leviathan features articles on topics from climate change to energy harvesting, the global food crisis to humanitarian development. On such a vast scale, it is dif cult to gauge our role as individuals—how much power do we have, both independently and collectively, to affect positive change? Is our generation to blame? Re-usable shopping bags and eco-bulbs may not change the world, but they have clearly contributed to a trend. Businesses nd increasing incentives to “go green”, but at which point do commercial interests and the environment come into con ict? Can we achieve economic prosperity without causing environmental degradation? And how do resources and environmental policies gure in the grand scheme of geopolitics and power?

With a constant focus on the international sphere, this issue includes discussions on solar energy in Europe, pollution in China, the presidential election and energy policy in the US, water scarcity in South Asia, and more. We invite you to read, ponder, and offer critique by sending your feedback to

As each issue is put together solely by Edinburgh University students, many thanks are due to the hardworking and tireless efforts of Leviathan’s writers, editors, illustrators, fundraisers, and production team members, without whom this journal would not exist. Leviathan is generously supported by the University’s Politics and International Relations Department, who have enabled us to pursue professionalism and quality, and to whom we owe boundless gratitude. The Politics Society has also been a steadfast foundation for our work, and continues to offer enlightening political discussion though its many events during the year. Finally, my personal appreciation goes out to Uday Jain and Ryan Jacobs, my predecessors, who through unwavering dedication founded and built this journal.

Cheers, and enjoy.

Natasha Turak Editor in Chief

Published: 13-Aug-2020