View Vol. 2 No. 1 (2011): Euro-vision

Welcome to all students, staff and interested readers. To those reading Leviathan for the rst time, a short introduction is in order. This is a student-run journal which aims to provide reasoned debate and analysis on pressing yet sometimes overlooked issues in politics and current affairs. In order
to address a topic as comprehensively as possible, each issue focusses on a speci c theme and the theme for this issue is “Euro-vision”.

“Euro-vision” aims to assess the future of the European project, be it in the short, medium or long- term. Re ecting the precarious place that Europe seems to nd itself currently; our submissions have been fascinatingly diverse and in-depth. Articles include discussions on Turkey’s bid for mem- bership, critiques of the common security and defence policy, and analyses of the economic situa- tion and the inadequate efforts by policy-makers to respond to the Great Recession.

Before concluding, we must acknowledge those who made this issue possible. The Europa Institute at the University of Edinburgh has generously sponsored this issue while the paternal support of the Department of Politics and International Relations and the Politics Society is also much appreciated.

However, the most immediate and essential contribution has been from our writers and tremendous- ly diligent staff without whom this issue would simply not have been possible. Production for this issue was indeed an inter-continental effort, and the staff adeptly and ef ciently took on the chal- lenge of multiple time zones and other simultaneous summer commitments. I cannot thank them enough for their sterling work.

As always, we urge you to critically analyse and respond to the articles by sending in your thoughts. Letters to the editor are welcome and should be sent to

Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the issue.

Uday Jain
Leviathan Editor-in-Chief

Published: 13-Aug-2020