2023 - Chapman (USA)
Film-Philosophy Conference 2023
13-15 June 2023
The next Film-Philosophy Conference will take place physically on campus at Chapman University, California, USA.
*** The full conference program can be found here ***
Registration is open now:
This year’s event will feature a special screening of Marlon Fuentes’s critically acclaimed film Bontoc Eulogy (1995) followed by a Q&A with the filmmaker.
Akira Mizuta Lippit (University of Southern California)
Vivian Sobchack (University of Los Angeles, California)
Richard Rushton (Lancaster University)
We invite proposals for presentations on any subject related to film, media and philosophy.
Submissions are now closed
There is no overall theme for the conference. We will instead use a “track” system that provides a number of broad headings to which a presenter may wish to attach their submission. There is, of course, an ‘open track’ if you feel that your paper does not fit within any of the other tracks. The tracks for 2023 are (in alphabetic order):
- Affect and Emotion
- Aesthetics
- The Animal and the Non-Human
- Documentary and Essay Films
- Ecology
- Emergent Film-Philosophies
- Ethics
- Existentialism
- Expanded Cinema, Film Installation, Video Art
- Feminist Film-Phenomenology
- Film and Critical Race Theory
- Film-Philosophy Canon
- Indigeneity and Fourth Cinema
- Intersectionality
- New Materialism and Object-Oriented Ontology
- New Media and Technologies
- Open
- Phenomenology
- Political Film-Philosophy
- Psychoanalysis (Classical and Contemporary)
- Workshops
We are only accepting individual proposals for presentations of 20 minutes.
We are not accepting group proposals, except for workshops. We are open to workshops that have alternative and innovative formats that provoke discussion and debate. If you have any ideas for a workshop – in format or content – please contact the conference director before submitting an official abstract via the website.
Abstract proposals should be 200-300 words and are to be submitted by 14 February 2023. All abstracts will be considered by at least two members of the conference committee and decisions will be announced in March 2023.
Please direct all enquiries regarding the conference to Kelli Fuery at: kfuery@chapman.edu, placing FP Conference 2023 in the subject line.