New evidences for core processing of non-flint, lithic materials in the Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Poland


  • Grzegorz Osipowicz Institute of Archaeology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, ul Szosa Bydgoska 44/48, 87-100 Toruń
  • Iwona Sobkowiak-Tabaka Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Centre for Prehistory and Medieval Studies, ul. Rubież 46, 61-612 Poznań



Poland, Late Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, quartz porphyry, fine crystalline sandstone, quartzite, granite


In the Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic core processing in Poland was dominated by flint raw materials. The present paper considers the occurrence of non-flint assemblages at the sites Lubrza and Ludowice (Polish Lowland). The focus is on recognition of petrographic studies, technology, typology and use-wear of inventories from both sites. The collections contain debitage, cores and different kinds of tools. As a result the identification of granite, sandstone, quartzite, gneisses, mudstones, slates and single minerals of quartzes and feldspars was established. The use-wear analysis brought good results only in case in porphyry artefacts. The described analyses are accompanied by a review of European non-flint assemblages from Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sites and discussion of the role of this type of raw material in core processing.


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Como Citar

Osipowicz, G., & Sobkowiak-Tabaka, I. (2014). New evidences for core processing of non-flint, lithic materials in the Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Poland. Journal of Lithic Studies, 1(1), 213–226.



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