Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission has not been previously published, in part or in its entirety, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- This paper has not been copied, translated or paraphrased, either in part or in its entirety, from works produced by someone other than the authors of this paper.
- Authors are required to make sure submitted content does not infringe 3rd party copyright. More information from the Intellectual Property Office here:
- The names of all the co-authors have been included in the manuscript and these co-authors all had an active part in the final manuscript, approved the manuscript and agree with its submission.
- All of the research presented in and connected with this study meets the ethical guidelines, including adherence to legal requirements, of the study country.
- I have received written permission from all persons mentioned in personal communications and acknowledgments.
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- Where available, DOIs and URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
The text has been proofread by someone proficient in the primary language of the text. (Submissions which have not been proofread may be rejected without being formally reviewed.)
- Authors who make a submission to this journal must ensure they have read our Privacy and Consent Policy, and agree to its terms.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Letters to the editor
These are short replies or comments by readers relating to an article in JLS, particularly important additions to the topic of the article. Authors should clearly state which article they are commenting on, and if applicable they should cite the passage in which they are specifically interested. Letters should be concise and objective.Research Articles
Research articles should present original research on completed projects or significant discoveries and must present clear conclusions.Word limit: 6000 words
Download the instructions for authors.
Reports should present project descriptions. They may be either general reports on completed projects, significant updates for on-going projects, or additional results from previously reported projects. They do not necessarily need to present conclusions or conclusions could be preliminary.
Word limit: variable depending on the content
Methodology Demonstrations
These articles should explain a new or modified methodology tested by the authors. Authors are encouraged to use a variety of media types (e.g. video, screen shot images, 3D images) in addition to a short written text. Methodology demonstrations do not necessarily need to present conclusions but opinions on the method including its benefits as well as short-comings should be discussed.Word limit: 2000 words
Summary, synthesis, and annotated bibliography articles
These articles present an overview of a particular topic or sub-field with a connection to lithics research. This may be lithics research in a particular country or region. It may also be a historical overview of a topic (e.g. historical perspective of a prehistoric technology, or historical overview of a particular theory), or it may be a summary of knowledge about a lithic material itself or a scientific method. In general, these articles should include an overview of the history of the topic (e.g. history of lithics research in the region) as well as an overview of the current research being done on the topic. They should contain a large bibliography so that readers can use the articles as a starting point for finding references. The author should indicate recommended references.Recommended word limit: 4000 words.
Short biographies of people involved in lithic studies.Book reviews
Book reviews should an overall summary of the book as well as chapter summaries. The author should note the highlight or special aspects of this book. We particularly encourage reviews of books that are not in English as this helps disseminate information that readers in other countries may not otherwise know about.Event reviews
These articles give a summary of an event (e.g. a conference, workshop, lecture series, etc.). They should include opinions and may include a few images.Word limit: 500 words
Fieldtrip and excursion itineraries related to lithics research.Interviews
Interviews may be conducted with well-known or otherwise important people in the field of lithic studies. This category of article is presented mainly in the form of an audio file accompanied by an abstract, a transcript of the audio file and short commentary (up to 300 words) which is not part of the audio transcript. In addition to contacting the editorial board for approval to submit an interview, interview questions and discussion points must also be presented to the editors for review prior to conducting the actual interview.Time limit: -10 minute time limit
Image galleries
Images (individual or sets) of stone artefacts which have some special importance may be published in the journal. These may be sets of artefacts which clearly demonstrate particular lithic traditions. They may also be exemplary examples of a particular artefact which has recently been found. All images or sets of images must be accompanied by an abstract.Special Issue Article
This is a temporary category used solely for incoming articles submitted to special issues. Please note in the "Comments to the editor" box which issue your article is intended for - either by noting the issue topic or the name of the guest editor. You should also make a note about this in the cover page of your article.ISKM-2021 Tarragona - Research Articles
If you are submitting an paper for the proceedings of the 2021 International Symposium on Knappable Materials (Tarragona, 2021), please use this article category.
Articles from the 2nd Meeting of the Association for Ground Stone Tools Research
These papers apepar in a special issue.
The articles in this section do not conform to the regular article categories used by the journal.
Immersed in Lithics - Conference Papers
Papers from the Immersed in Lithics conference. Guest editor - Elizabeth Healey.
Special Issue - Borderlines & Frontiers
Articles for the special issue on borderlines and frontiers visible through Neolithic lithic analysis, organised by Solène Denis, based on presentations given at the EAA Budapest meeting.
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This is an Open Access journal. All material is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence, unless otherwise stated.
Please read our Open Access, Copyright and Permissions policies for more information.
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Updated May 2018