Knapping before and after polishing: Technological evidence in the Neolithic polished stone tools from Hungary




polished stone cutting edge tools; knapping; production technology; microcrystalline rocks; Neolithic; Hungary


The authors present the evidence gathered during the interdisciplinary study of several polished stone tools from some Neolithic sites in Hungary. In particular, the cutting-edged tool production (axes, adzes, chisels) involves knapping at several stages of the operational-chain within an artefact’s ‘life cycle’ - from raw material procurement, its manufacture, use, and discard. Some specific fine-grained and non-siliceous raw materials, among which are mainly hornfels, “white stones” and a few greenstones, show evidence of being worked by knapping as shown by the recovery of rough-outs, flaked similarly to biface artefacts, reworked pieces during retooling attempts, and several flakes detached before and after polishing the artefact surfaces. These latter demonstrate that re-sharpening and re-working polished cutting-edged tools was a common practice within the settlements during the whole Neolithic period. These small flakes, that sometimes look like true bladelets, have been often confused with, and published as, chipped stone tools. Therefore, it is important to get a holistic view of the whole stone industry during the study of the lithic assemblages. As in the case for chert and flint in N Europe, which have been intensively exploited for the production of polished axes and adzes, some other lithic raw materials could be easily worked by knapping for the production of polished tools, especially micro-crystalline rocks that have technical response and physical properties very similar to true flint and chert. Moreover, there are indeed implications regarding social organization among Neolithic communities, not only from the point of view of raw material procurement. Notably, the technical capability of producing and maintaining in efficiency the polished stone tools had to be acquired by individuals belonging to each household within the community, since stone axe-adzes were polyfunctional tools for mundane and multiple tasks. Therefore, as an important means for survival, the production of stone tools, both chipped and polished, was a knowledge certainly transmitted from generation to generation, although we still have to understand the modes and social implications of the transfer in details.

Biografias Autor

Elisabetta Starnini, University of Pisa

Department of Civilizations and forms of Knowledge
University of Pisa
Via dei Mille 19
56126 Pisa

György Szakmány, Eötvös Loránd University

Department of Petrology and Geochemistry
Eötvös Loránd University
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c
H-1117 Budapest


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Como Citar

Starnini, E., & Szakmány, G. (2021). Knapping before and after polishing: Technological evidence in the Neolithic polished stone tools from Hungary. Journal of Lithic Studies, 8(2), 14 p.