Functional use of large stone tool from the Upper Paleolithic site of Kamennaya Balka II (the Northern Azov Sea region, Russia)


  • Natalia Nikolaevna Skakun Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS
  • Laura Longo Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
  • Vera Terekhina Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS
  • Irina Pantyukhina Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of the Peoples of the Far-East, Far-Eastern Branch of the RAS
  • Ekaterina Vinogradova Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
  • Dmitrii Shulga Saint Petersburg Bread Museum



Upper Paleolithic, Russia, stone slab, technological analysis, traceological analysis, experimental analysis, biogenic residues


The assemblages of many Paleolithic sites on the Russian Plain contain large pebbles of various types of stone, which, due to the natural and unmodified forms, rarely become objects of special study. Some of them retain their natural shape, others are slightly artificially modified. In the course of our research, artifacts from several Paleolithic sites in Russia and the Republic of Moldova were subjected to a comprehensive study. Technical-morphological and experimental-traceological studies made it possible to characterize the methods of their manufacture and use. Among the items studied, there is a trapezoidal slab retrieved in the lower layer of the Late Paleolithic stratified site Kamennaya Balka II (the Northern Azov Sea region, Russia). On its surface, use-wear traces were found, which are characteristic of wear traces on tools used to grind plant materials. To verify the results of the traceological analysis, a series of experiments was performed. The wear traces on the working part of the experimental tool turned out to be similar to those found on the original one. The functional identification of the slab from Kamennaya Balka II as a tool for processing plants was also confirmed by the discovery on the working surface of mineralized starch grains.

This comprehensive study of an unmodified stone artifact from the Kamennaya Balka II site and its identification as the lower grinding stone indicates the presence of complex foraging strategies among the economic activities of the inhabitants of the site and their successful adaptation to the natural environment in this region.

Biografias Autor

Natalia Nikolaevna Skakun, Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS

Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS
191186 Palace emb., 18
St. Petersburg

Laura Longo, Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”

Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Via Vivaldi, 43
81100 Caserta

Vera Terekhina, Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS

Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS
191186 Palace emb., 18
St. Petersburg

Irina Pantyukhina, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of the Peoples of the Far-East, Far-Eastern Branch of the RAS

Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of the Peoples of the Far-East, Far-Eastern Branch of the RAS
690001 Pushkinskaya st., 89
Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory

Ekaterina Vinogradova, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
119192, Lomonosovsky prospect, 27, Building 4, Faculty of History

Dmitrii Shulga, Saint Petersburg Bread Museum

Saint Petersburg Bread Museum
195009 Mikhailova st., 2
St. Petersburg


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Como Citar

Skakun, N. N., Longo, L., Terekhina, V., Pantyukhina, I., Vinogradova, E., & Shulga, D. (2021). Functional use of large stone tool from the Upper Paleolithic site of Kamennaya Balka II (the Northern Azov Sea region, Russia). Journal of Lithic Studies, 8(2), 23 p.