Hunter-gatherer mobility and territories in the dunefields of center Argentina


  • Pablo G. Messineo INCUAPA-CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UNICEN)
  • María P. Barros INCUAPA-CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UNICEN)



aeolian landscape, stone transport, hunter-gatherers, mobility patterns, human interactions, orthoquartzite, chert, Holocene


The distribution of certain rocks in the landscape allows us to reconstruct diverse aspects of past hunter-gatherer behavior. In this work, we evaluate the mobility patterns employed by these groups and the presence or absence of boundaries in the Aeolian system of the center of Argentina. To accomplish this objective, we consider two types of evidence: 1) raw material frequencies and distributions in three areas of this Aeolian System and 2) presence and frequency of knapping stones from Tandilia sources. We construct a fall-off curve that is based on the relationship between the frequency of an item and the distance to the source of supply. The characteristics of each area yielded the human groups that inhabited delineate different modes of exploitation of the rocks. The fall-off curve documents a steep drop-off between 300 and 350 km from the Tandilia source and the spatial analysis indicates that within this distance the source probably represents the threshold of direct access to the quarries. Tandilia stone-tools seem to systematically supply a relatively wide area of the Central Pampean Dunefields of the Pampa grasslands, through varied processes, but they arrive at very low frequencies over great distances. The presence of Tandilia rocks in the Western Pampean Dunefields and Western Pampas Sand Mantles and Dunefields indicates social interaction between human groups that shared some common technological knowledge. The presence of stones in the Central Pampean Dunefields coming from the xerophytic woodland of the Dry Pampas can be related with contacts and exchanges among the hunter-gatherer group that occupied different territories.

Biografias Autor

Pablo G. Messineo, INCUAPA-CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UNICEN)

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UNICEN)
Av. Del Valle 5737, Olavarría (7400)
Buenos Aires

María P. Barros, INCUAPA-CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UNICEN)

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UNICEN)
Av. Del Valle 5737, Olavarría (7400)
Buenos Aires


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Como Citar

Messineo, P. G., & Barros, M. P. (2021). Hunter-gatherer mobility and territories in the dunefields of center Argentina. Journal of Lithic Studies, 8(1), 19 p.



Research articles from the EAA meeting in Barcelona