A techno-typological analysis of fan (tabular) scrapers from Ein Zippori, Israel


  • Katia Zutovski Tel Aviv University
  • Richard W. Yerkes The Ohio State University
  • Aviad Agam Tel Aviv University
  • Lucy Wilson University of New Brunswick
  • Nimrod Getzov Israel Antiquities Authority
  • Ianir Milevski Israel Antiquities Authority
  • Avi Gopher Tel Aviv University




fan scrapers, tabular scrapers, Wadi Rabah culture, Early Bronze Age, Southern Levant


Fan (or tabular) scrapers are a diagnostic  tool type in Chalcolithic Ghassulian and Early Bronze Age lithic assemblages from  the southern Levant. To date, only small numbers of fan scrapers have been reported from the Late Pottery Neolithic Wadi Rabah culture. In this paper we present a techno-typological analysis of a fair sample of fan scrapers and fan scrapers spalls from Wadi Rabah and Early Bronze Age layers at Ein Zippori, Lower Galilee, Israel. Techno-typological similarities and differences of Wadi Rabah, Chalcolithic Ghassulian and Early Bronze Age fan scrapers from Ein Zippori and other sites in the region are presented, trends of change along time are noted, and an updated definition is proposed. Our results indicate that fan scrapers are highly efficient tools for accurate and prolonged animal butchering and hide working. The main advantage of fan scrapers is their mostly flat, thin morphology and large size that permits the creation of several relatively long working edges, various retouched angles (from sharp to abrupt), extensive resharpening, and a comfortable grasp. While fan scrapers were products of a local trajectory in Late Pottery Neolithic Wadi Rabah lithic industries at Ein Zippori, a standardized, off-site manufacturing of fan scrapers is evident during the Early Bronze Age.

Biografias do Autor

  • Katia Zutovski, Tel Aviv University

    Department of Archaeology and Near Eastern Cultures
    Tel Aviv University

  • Richard W. Yerkes, The Ohio State University

    Department of Anthropology
    The Ohio State University

  • Aviad Agam, Tel Aviv University

    Department of Archaeology and Near Eastern Cultures
    Tel Aviv University

  • Lucy Wilson, University of New Brunswick

    Department of Science, Applied Science and Engineering
    University of New Brunswick

  • Avi Gopher, Tel Aviv University

    Department of Archaeology and Near Eastern Cultures
    Tel Aviv University


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Research Articles

Como Citar

A techno-typological analysis of fan (tabular) scrapers from Ein Zippori, Israel. (2016). Journal of Lithic Studies, 3(1), 207-238. https://doi.org/10.2218/jls.v3i1.1454