The use of fan scrapers: Microwear evidence from Late Pottery Neolithic and Early Bronze Age, Ein Zippori, Israel


  • Richard W. Yerkes Ohio State University
  • Ran Barkai Tel-Aviv University
  • Avi Gopher Tel-Aviv University
  • Katia Zutovski Tel-Aviv University



microwear analysis, late Pottery Neolithic, Wadi Rabbah, Early Bronze Age, southern Levant


The results of a microwear analysis of samples of fan scrapers and fan scrapers spalls from late Pottery Neolithic (PN) and Early Bronze Age (EBA) occupation layers at Ein Zippori, Lower Galilee, Israel are presented. The goal of the microwear analysis was to determine the function of the fan scrapers and compare the visible usewear on the scrapers found in late PN and EBA lithic assemblages. The results indicate that during both periods most of the fan scrapers were used to skin and butcher animals, while some were also used for hide processing and bone working. The working edges of the fan scrapers had sharp, moderate, or steep edge-angles, and different edges were used for different tasks. Edges with microwear from scraping meat, bone, and hides (including some hides that may have been treated with abrasives) had steep edge-angles, while there were moderate or sharp edge-angles on the edges of fan scrapers used for cutting. Two sub-types of fan scrapers were identified, flat cortex fan scrapers (FCFS), and cortical fan scrapers (CFS) with convex dorsal faces. The CFS were abundant in PN contexts, while the FCFS were more common in EBA layers. However both of the sub-types had similar microwear traces.

Biografias Autor

Richard W. Yerkes, Ohio State University

Department of Anthropology
Ohio State University
4034 Smith Lab., 174 W. 18th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210-1106

Ran Barkai, Tel-Aviv University

Dept. Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures
Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology
Tel-Aviv University
Tel-Aviv 69978

Avi Gopher, Tel-Aviv University

Dept. Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures
Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology
Tel-Aviv University
Tel-Aviv 69978

Katia Zutovski, Tel-Aviv University

Dept. Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures
Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology
Tel-Aviv University
Tel-Aviv 69978


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Como Citar

Yerkes, R. W., Barkai, R., Gopher, A., & Zutovski, K. (2016). The use of fan scrapers: Microwear evidence from Late Pottery Neolithic and Early Bronze Age, Ein Zippori, Israel. Journal of Lithic Studies, 3(1), 185–205.



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