Pattern recognition of universal mathematical constants in Acheulean biface formats


  • Alan Edward Cannell Independent Researcher Owner Director Transcraft Engineering Curitiba, Parana


Palabras clave:

Acheulean, biface, geometry, format, mathematical constant, aesthetics


The similar design formats of many Acheulean bifaces has prompted several studies into the use of ‘mental templates’, leading to controversial claims that there may be a relation between length and width equal to the Golden Ratio. To avoid subjectivity, these studies have used aggregate data from assemblages that, by definition, mask the individuality of each tool, its material, any retouching and the original imposed design. Visual pattern recognition is widely used in psychological research and some branches of engineering and a similar technique is presented to highlight the formats of two samples of the Boxgrove assemblage (one random) and examine the presence of universal mathematical constants. A probabilistic analysis suggests that the repeated use of the numbers 2, Pi and Phi and the relationship between them could not have been produced by chance. These relationships appear to be constant over very long time periods and are still used today in modern gemstone design.



Biografía del autor/a

Alan Edward Cannell, Independent Researcher Owner Director Transcraft Engineering Curitiba, Parana

MSc Engineering

20 years of research in paleoanthropology

special interests in  manuports and throwing, an engineering analysis of acheulean bifaces and, in particular, pattern recognition of biface formats


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Cómo citar

Cannell, A. E. (2015). Pattern recognition of universal mathematical constants in Acheulean biface formats. Journal of Lithic Studies, 2(1), 17–44.



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