Black adzes in the Early Neolithic of Belgium: Contribution of the Raman microspectrometry and petrography in characterization and sourcing


  • Éric Goemaere Geological Survey of Belgium (RBINS)
  • Anne Hauzeur Paleotime SARL & Centre d'Étude des Techniques et de Recherche Expérimentale en Préhistoire (CETREP)
  • Thomas Goovaerts Geological Survey of Belgium (RBINS)
  • Ivan Jadin Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
  • Cécile Jungels Préhistomuseum
  • Thierry Leduc Geological Survey of Belgium (RBINS)
  • Michel Toussaint Association Wallonne d’Études Mégalithiques
  • François Tromme Centre d'Étude des Techniques et de Recherche Expérimentale en Préhistoire (CETREP)
  • Yves Vanbrabant Geological Survey of Belgium (RBINS)



adze; lydites; silicified sandstones; Raman microspectrometry; physical and chemical analyses; Early Neolithic


Early Neolithic (Linear Pottery Culture) adzes originate from settlements and workshops accompany the neolithization of Belgium. They are made from a wide range of extraregional lithic raw materials such as metamorphic green rocks (amphibolite) and black volcanic rocks (“basalt’) beside more local or regional raw material as flints, light-coloured (sedimentary and lightly metamorphic) quartzites, black lydites (Cambrian nodular phtanite of Céroux-Mousty and Lower Namurian banded phtanites) and dark grey Lower Namurian silicified sandstones previously called “Micaceous sandstones of Horion-Hozémont’. The discovery of the workshop of Noirfontaine near the city of Liège in the 1970s and 1980s provides exceptional assemblage available for updating analytical studies. This research focuses on the multi-scale characterization, the discrimination and sourcing both Cambrian and Namurian black sedimentary rocks rich in secondary silica composing Early Neolithic adzes found in Belgium. Their black colour results from finely dispersed organic matter, but the absence of palynomorphs does not allow a biostratigraphic ascription. Additional petrographical analyses (Optical Petrography, Scanning Electron Microscope), X-ray diffraction, chemical analyses (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) and measuring the degree of graphitization of the organic matter through Raman microspectrometry have been decisive in identifying the geological and geographical provenances by comparing the acquired results with geological reference samples collected in the field or through reference collections. Cambrian lydites are coming from a very restricted area and were preferred to other more local rock sources.

Author Biographies

  • Éric Goemaere, Geological Survey of Belgium (RBINS)

    Geological Survey of Belgium
    O.D. Earth and History of Life
    Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
    29, rue Vautier
    BE-1000 Brussels, Belgium

  • Anne Hauzeur, Paleotime SARL & Centre d'Étude des Techniques et de Recherche Expérimentale en Préhistoire (CETREP)

    Paleotime SARL
    75, avenue Jean-Séraphin Achard-Picard
    FR-38250 Villard-de-Lans, France

    Centre d'Étude des Techniques et de Recherche Expérimentale en Préhistoire (CETREP)
    Les Chercheurs de la Wallonie
    128, rue de la Grotte
    BE-4400 Flémalle, Belgium

  • Thomas Goovaerts, Geological Survey of Belgium (RBINS)

    Geological Survey of Belgium
    O.D. Earth and History of Life
    Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
    29, rue Vautier
    BE-1000 Brussels, Belgium

  • Ivan Jadin, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

    Anthropology & Prehistory, Quaternary Environments and Humans
    O.D. Earth and History of Life
    Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
    29, rue Vautier
    BE-1000 Brussels. Belgium.

  • Cécile Jungels, Préhistomuseum

    Centre de Conservation
    d’Étude et de Documentation,
    128, rue de la Grotte
    BE-4400 Flémalle, Belgium

  • Thierry Leduc, Geological Survey of Belgium (RBINS)

    Geological Survey of Belgium
    O.D. Earth and History of Life
    Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
    29, rue Vautier
    BE-1000 Brussels, Belgium

  • Michel Toussaint, Association Wallonne d’Études Mégalithiques

    Association Wallonne d’Études Mégalithiques
    1, rue de l'Aumonier
    BE-4000 Liège, Belgium

  • François Tromme, Centre d'Étude des Techniques et de Recherche Expérimentale en Préhistoire (CETREP)

    Centre d'Étude des Techniques et de Recherche Expérimentale en Préhistoire (CETREP)
    Les Chercheurs de la Wallonie
    128, rue de la Grotte
    BE-4400 Flémalle, Belgium

  • Yves Vanbrabant, Geological Survey of Belgium (RBINS)

    Geological Survey of Belgium
    O.D. Earth and History of Life
    Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
    29, rue Vautier
    BE-1000 Brussels, Belgium


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How to Cite

Black adzes in the Early Neolithic of Belgium: Contribution of the Raman microspectrometry and petrography in characterization and sourcing. (2023). Journal of Lithic Studies, 10(1), 34 p.