Welcome to Edinburgh Diamond! Situated within Edinburgh University Library, Edinburgh Diamond is a Diamond Open Access publishing service for books and journals created by University of Edinburgh academics, staff and students.


  • Airea: Arts and Interdisciplinary Research

    Airea is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal operating at the intersections between inter, trans, and multi disciplinary artistic practices and research. It intends to map interdisciplinary territories of forms of contemporary art and technology, with particular focus on the way artistic methodologies, aesthetics and vocabularies are shifting in response to the developing digital practices. Initially conceived to publish the proceedings of sIREN's (Interdisciplinary Research Network) Arts and Digital Practices conference in 2017, this journal acts as a channel of communication between artists/researchers and practices; concepts and tools. In doing so, we hope to more firmly embed a critical framework of interdisciplinary research into contemporary arts discourse. Airea welcomes contributions responding to our annual calls for submissions and publishes special issues to accommodate materials from the activities of sIREN and RAFT research networks of Edinburgh College of Art. 


  • Concept

    The Journal of Contemporary Community Education Practice Theory. Concept offers a lively independent forum for critical debate and exchange of ideas in contemporary Community Education. Community Education is seen in the broadest sense to include community work, adult education and youth work and takes place in a range of settings and agencies. We see the concept of community education as dynamic and diverse and do not seek to reflect a fixed view.

  • Contemporary Challenges: The Global Crime, Justice and Security Journal

    Contemporary Challenges: The Global Crime, Justice and Security Journal (CCJ) is a student-led journal affiliated with the University of Edinburgh. CCJ was founded in 2020 by students from the MSc in Global Crime, Justice and Security and related programmes at Edinburgh Law School.

    Students are not only welcome but are strongly encouraged to submit their papers and thereby participate in the academic debate at the intersection of crime, justice and security that CCJ provides a platform for.

    CCJ is global in its outlook and interdisciplinary in nature. Our editorial board is made up of postgraduate students from a variety of disciplines including law, criminology and international relations. We believe that this diversity of academic backgrounds allows us to engage with contemporary challenges intersectionally and comprehensively - in short, in the way that the challenges of today demand.

  • Drawing On

    Drawing On provides a platform for developing topics associated with or addressed through design-led research into architecture. Design-led research involves multiple modes and means to fully elaborate its thinking. The journal adds to the conventional format of a peer-reviewed journal an additional space of presentation intended to show design-research material in their native formats (including video, audio, animation, photography, paintings, drawings, documentation of models, designed texts, etc.). Full submissions can be viewed through the Drawing On website.

  • Edinburgh Architecture Research

    Edinburgh Architecture Research (EAR) is a non-profit, peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal exploring the built environment and its overlap with numerous fields of arts, humanities and social sciences from but not limited to an architectural standpoint. We invite submissions in the form of articles, field reports (WIP) or book reviews. EAR also encourages the presentation of research in alternative forms such as film, audio and photo essays.

  • Edinburgh Student Journal of Science

    The Edinburgh Student Journal of Science is a student-run, peer-reviewed journal which intends to highlight the multidisciplinary research carried out by undergraduate students within schools of the College of Science and Engineering of the University of Edinburgh. 

    You can find information, guidelines, and criteria for submitting your work to the journal in the 'Submissions' tab, and more information about the journal itself under 'About'.

    Sign up to our mailing list if you'd like to be kept up to date with the journal's progress.

  • Edinburgh Student Law Review

    The Edinburgh Student Law Review (ESLR) is a peer-reviewed academic journal, with an editorial board comprised of students dedicated to fostering scholarly discourse and advancing legal knowledge within the student community. We welcome submissions from undergraduate, postgraduate and PGR students and recent graduates from the University of Edinburgh and other academic institutions. We have a broad scope, covering any legal field under domestic and international law, as well as interdisciplinary articles with a strong legal focus. We particularly welcome submissions that target novel areas of law and adopt innovative approaches to study legal themes. The ESLR provides a forum where emerging legal scholars can explore diverse perspectives, challenge existing norms, and address pressing legal concerns.

  • FORUM: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture & the Arts

    FORUM is a peer-reviewed journal for postgraduate students working in culture and the arts. Our objective is to create and foster a network for the exchange and circulation of ideas. We hope that you will find plenty of interest and inspiration in the articles we have published to date.

  • HIMALAYA - The Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies

    HIMALAYA is a biannual, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the University of Edinburgh on behalf of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS), formerly known as the Nepal Studies Association (1972-2000).

  • IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE

    This journal is designed to house citation summaries for contributions to the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology (GtoPdb) database. The journal is not open to general submissions, only curators of the GtoPdb can submit to the journal. The citation summaries exist as an adjunct to the database to facilitate the recognition of citations to and from the database by citation analysers.


  • Journal of Lithic Studies

    The Journal of Lithic Studies is a peer-reviewed open access journal which focuses on archaeological research into the manufacture and use of stone tools, as well as the origin and properties of the raw materials used in their production. The journal does not focus on any specific geographic region or time period.

  • Leviathan

    Leviathan is the leading student-led academic journal at the University of Edinburgh. It was founded in 2010 as a means for students to elevate political discourse through rigorous research and open-minded discussion. Here, we read more, help you write better and allow you to be part of Edinburgh’s amazing student community.

    Leviathan’s editorial staff remains committed to working with students from all backgrounds and skill sets to express informed opinions and start conversations. Where there is a will to learn, there is no story too difficult to tell.

  • Medicine Anthropology Theory

    Medicine Anthropology Theoryis an English-language, fully open access journal hosted by the University of Edinburgh. It publishes Research ArticlesPosition PiecesReviews, and Field Notes in medical anthropology, the anthropology of biomedicine, critical global health studies, medical humanities, and science and technology studies.

    All current and archived material can be found at: 


    Thank you for considering submitting your work to Medicine Anthropology Theory. We are not presently accepting new submissions; we will issue an announcement when the submission portal reopens.


    Welcome to MUSIC.OLOGY.ECA.

    Our focus is showcasing interdisciplinary music research, reviews and criticism, as well as raising awareness of the field of musicology throughout the University of Edinburgh and beyond. 

    A wide variety of submissions are accepted including essays, reviews, audiovisual essays, and audio recordings.  We aim to highlight students and researchers who are in the early stages of their research career (i.e., master’s level and early-stage PhD) and give them an opportunity to have their work published, with an option for it to be peer reviewed.

    We encourage submissions or enquiries from University of Edinburgh students, researchers or affiliates who are working with music regardless of their degree’s discipline.  

    Take a look at our issues and discover the vibrant world of musicology! 

  • The New Real

    Our research explores how AI impacts on life at a profound level, often interacting with us in fascinating and unanticipated ways, and illuminates how emerging technology can become a creative, playful and deeply impactful part of everyday living.

    We believe art and creativity can help to radically change how we think about AI design, moving beyond the current paradigm of learning patterns from large amounts of data, to embrace human traits such as bias, disagreement, and uncertainty as a signal with creative potential rather than noise that needs to be removed.

    We devise imaginative ways to experiment with new experiences, practices, infrastructures and business models, and to empower people be agents of positive change.

    The New Real emerged from the Experiential AI research theme and group, it conducts research on the following themes:

    • Creative AI for good

    • Human-centred creative AI

    • Next generation intelligent experiences

    • Public XAI and socio-technical literacy

  • Open Journal of Biodiversity and Ecosystems

    Welcome to the Open Journal of Biodiversity and Ecosystems, a student-led journal exploring conservation, ecology, and nature, through academic research, thoughtful reflection, and artistic interpretation.

    Our journal is unique, as well, in that our editorial team is spread out over three continents. Much like the distance education that inspired this journal's creation, we are coming together from many places and ways of life to bring you this culmination of scientific study, thoughtful reflection, and creative expression. Breaking down barriers to publication, while maintaining scientific integrity, we hope that this journal will be a valuable resource for all.

  • Papers in Historical Phonology

    Papers in Historical Phonology (‘PiHPh’) aims to provide a high-profile, speedy, permanent and fully open-access place for the publication of interesting ideas from any area of Historical Phonology. PiHPh is online only and there is no charge of any kind to publish in it. There is one volume of PiHPh per year, and papers are added to it as soon as they are cleared for publication.

  • Plurality

    Plurality is a student-led journal based at the University of Edinburgh, started in 2023 we aim to create an inclusive and thought-provoking space to encourage both new and experienced writers to publish their research. The publication specializes in analyzing disciplines through an intersectional lens and publishes pieces which question how the intersectional experiences of gender can impact our knowledge and experience of the world.

  • re:think - a journal of creative ethnography

    Re:think is a peer-reviewed, open-access, interdisciplinary journal exploring the potential of ethnography as a form of creative research practice and expression.

  • Review of Scottish Culture

    Welcome to the Review of Scottish Culture, supported by the European Ethnologival Centre at the University of Edinburgh. We explore and showcase Scotland’s rich culture heritage, in all its diversity and range, nationally and internationally. The journal encourages multi and interdisciplinary research on the ethnology of Scotland, and welcomes new submissions.

  • Scottish Studies

    Scottish Studies is the journal of the School of Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh. The journal reflects the eight main research areas of the school: tales, custom and belief, material culture, song, instrumental music, place-names, dialectology and social organisation.

  • SCRIPTed: A Journal of Law, Technology & Society

    Intellectual Property, Information Technology, Medical Law - SCRIPTed’s Editorial Board is assisted by an Advisory Board of internationally-renowned experts drawn from the disciplines of intellectual property, information technology, medical law, artificial intelligence, communications law and E-commerce. Submissions are invited on any aspect of the relationships between law, policy, society, ethics, and technologies.

  • The South Asianist Journal

    The South Asianist Journal is an open-access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal examining socio-economic, political, cultural and religious phenomena in South Asia. At its core is the vision to open research on and in South Asia to as wide an audience as possible. With this in mind, articles and reviews are complemented by flexible formats such as photo essays, and short documentary films. Among the many advantages of our open access policy is that, while authors retain copyright, our publications are free to view or download anytime, anywhere, by anyone with a basic internet connection.

  • Film-Philosophy (Submissions)

    This is the submissions portal for the academic journal Film-Philosophy.

    Film-Philosophy  is an international, open access and peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the engagement between film and screen studies, film theory and philosophy. 

    All issues of  Film-Philosophy  are published by and available at  Edinburgh University Press

  • National Institutes of Bioscience Journal

    The Journal of the National Institutes of Bioscience is a platform where outputs from the strategic partnership can be published and shared.

  • The e-Journal of East and Central Asian Religions

    e-JECAR publishes innovative research on the religious traditions of East and Central Asia in their historical, political, social and philosophic contexts.


  • Hydra

    Hydra: Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences is a student-focused, peer-reviewed academic journal, which strives to highlight the best of current postgraduate student scholarship at the University of Edinburgh. The journal’s title represents its strong commitment to interdisciplinary research, in the belief that by opening a channel of dialogue between diverse disciplines within the realm of the social sciences, classic debates may be infused with innovative and even unexpected observations.

  • Language and Psychoanalysis

    Language and Psychoanalysis is a fully peer reviewed online journal that publishes twice a year. It is the only interdisciplinary journal with a strong focus on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of language and psychoanalysis. The journal is also inclusive and not narrowly confined to the Freudian psychoanalytic theory but open to all language-based psychotherapeutic modalities. 

  • Lifespans and Styles

    Lifespans & Styles highlights outstanding undergraduate work in sociolinguistics.

  • Res Medica

    The Res Medica is the peer-reviewed Journal of the Royal Medical Society.

    We accept articles written by medical students and clinicians covering clinically relevant topics. These include original, systematic review, literature review, perspective, historical, and case report articles. 

  • Social Science Protocols

    Social Science Protocols is a fully peer reviewed open-access online journal platform. It is the only platform with a focus on publishing study protocols in the social sciences disciplines.

  • The Unfamiliar

    The Unfamiliar is a postgraduate student-led journal based at the University of Edinburgh, aimed at making anthropology easily and widely accessible to audiences beyond academia. We seek to provide a forum for postgraduate students and early-career researchers for the publication of, and creative engagement with, their research.