About the Journal
The South Asianist Journal is
interdisciplinary journal examining phenomena in South Asia. At its core is the vision to open research on and in South Asia to as wide an audience as possible. With this in mind, articles and reviews are complemented by flexible formats such as photo essays, and short documentary films. Among the many advantages of our open access policy is that, while authors retain copyright, our publications are free to view or download anytime, anywhere, by anyone with a basic internet connection.Current Issue

The South Asianist Journal is moving to a rolling publication model, namely articles, reviews, photo essays and other contributions will be published as they complete the editorial process. Each volume follows the calendar year, and authors will see their works published in the volume corresponding with the editorial completion of their respective submissions. We will continue to feature special issues, and actively encourage authors and reviewers to consider open peer review, where the identity of the author and the reviewers are known by all participants, while continuing to give the option of a more conventional double-blind peer review.