Information For Authors

Pieces accepted for publication in PiHPh must engage with issues that connect to historical phonology in some way. PiHPh adopts a broad definition of historical phonology, as explained here. Pieces submitted to PiHPh should not have been published before.

PiHPh welcomes and encourages concise papers (for which an ideal word count might be in the range of 4,000-7,000 words). Even shorter pieces are also welcome, however, and longer papers will also be considered, up to 15,000 words. We may suggest cuts to longer papers.

Authors retain copyright of their work and — as PiHPh exists in part to publicise ideas that may be still in development — we expect that some authors may want to develop the ideas first published in PiHPh into a full article which might be submitted elsewhere (for example, as a regular journal article, to an edited collection, or as part of a monograph). PiHPh encourages this and places no claim on whatever authors might want to do with their work after publication in PiHPh. However, PiHPh will not expect to withdraw any piece published in its pages, without exceptional reason. 

The only changes that may be made to a paper once it has been published in PiHPh are: to add a new email address for correspondence or to correct simple minor typos. If you would like to make such changes, contact the editorial team:

Submissions to PiHPh should be formatted in line with the PiHPh template (as we do not have professional type-setters or copy-editors, this may require more of you than for standard journals). We accept LaTeX and Word submissions. Templates for both Word and LaTeX are available here (you are always welcome to contribute to template development). It you have any problems accessing or using the templates, let us know and we will be happy to help:

Pre-publication scrutiny involves those managing PiHPh ensuring that submissions meet PiHPh's criteria for publication.

Post-publication review is conducted on each paper's comments page. We expect that authors will respond to any comments that their articles receive. There is no expectation that such responses are immediate, but we hope that such discussion will allow for the thoughtful evaluation of articles. Authors may also add comments to their own articles, either to solicit readers' opinions on particular issues, or to amend their claims after reflection. 

To submit an article, please make sure that you have formatted it in line with the PiHPh template, and that it has been carefully proof-read and checked for non-nativisms. Then email it to:


Authors who publish with PiHPh agree to the following terms:

a. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0 International) license that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

More information on Creative Commons here: You can also read more about this in PiHPh's open access policy.

If you would like to use a different type of Creative Commons licence, contact the editors:

b. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in PiHPh.

c. Authors are also permitted (indeed encouraged) to post the final, published version of their PiHPh article online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process. (See The Effect of Open Access).

Authors are also required to make sure submitted content does not infringe 3rd party copyright. More information from the UK's Intellectual Property Office is available here: