Artist’s Roundtable - The artists’ take on Generative AI


  • Caroline Sinders
  • Lex Fefegha
  • Eryk Salvaggio
  • Amelia Winger-Bearskin



When looking for actionable strategies, insights and recommendations, often we look to researchers, consultants and external experts. It’s crucial though, that we gain insight from those at the coal-face; and with respect to Generative AI and the creative industry, that’s the artists who are making the work and building the tools.

The New Real’s creative agent, Caroline Sinders, sat down with three other artists working with Generative AI – Lex Fefegha, Eryk Salvaggio and Amelia Winger-Bearskin – to explore future landscapes for Generative AI Arts, find out what co-creation between AI and artists can look like, and - simply - capture what artists want from both AI and those influential people in the broader ecosystem of funding, curation, museums and policy-making.


