Book review: Seeing Lithics: A Middle-range Theory for Testing for Cultural Transmission in the Pleistocene


  • Katie Davenport-Mackey University of Leicester and Lithoscapes Archaeological Research Foundation


Mots-clés :

cultural transmission, Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition, evolutionary archaeology, experimental archaeology


Seeing Lithics represents a doctoral thesis submitted to Harvard University by Gilbert Tostevin in 2000. Tostevin is currently a professor of Anthropology at the University of Minnesota and has written extensively on human evolution, lithic technology, Old World archaeology, and Palaeolithic archaeology. These interests can be clearly seen in this book which develops a new theoretical and analytical approach to the study of cultural transmission in the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition. 

Biographie de l'auteur

Katie Davenport-Mackey, University of Leicester and Lithoscapes Archaeological Research Foundation

A recent graduate now engaged in PhD study, with major interests in the ancient prehistoric past and the presentation of the past in museum contexts, I possess an array of independent research skills, high quality presentation and IT skills, wide fieldwork experience and an ability to work in groups at all levels.


Seeing Lithics: A Middle-range Theory for Testing for Cultural Transmission in the Pleistocene

by Gilbert Tostevin

Oxbow Books, 2013, pp. 608. ISBN 978-184-217-527-9



Comment citer

Davenport-Mackey, K. (2015). Book review: Seeing Lithics: A Middle-range Theory for Testing for Cultural Transmission in the Pleistocene. Journal of Lithic Studies, 3(1), 307–308.



Book reviews