Event review: How Interesting Archaeology Is! - Captivating and Leading-Edge Student Research


  • Atsushi Uemine The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research / Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University



Mots-clés :

obsidian, XRF, public archaeology, student archaeology, museum exhibition


Kyoto City Archaeological Museum situated in Kansai region, the central part of Honshu Island, Japan, has held special exhibitions in collaboration with external organizations every year since 2011. From 2011 to 2013, several universities and even a high school have participated projects, and in 2014, the Kansai Archaeological Association for Students (KAAS) played an important role as partner, producing the exhibit “ここまでわかる!考古学―学生が魅せる最先端” (“How Interesting Archaeology Is! - Captivating and Leading-Edge Student Research”).


Miura, M., Tateishi, T. & Ninomiya, S. 2012, ICP 発光分光分析を用いた遺跡出土黒曜石石器の原産地推定に関する基礎的研究. In: 日本文化財科学会第29回大会研究発表要旨集 (The 29th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Scientific Studies on Cultural Property Abstracts Volume) (Hirokazu Nagae, Ed.), The 29th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Scientific Studies on Cultural Property Executive Office, Kyoto: p. 242-243. (in Japanese) ("Basic research with ICP-AES on excavated obsidian tools for its presumable place of origin")

Ninomiya, S., Aboshi, M. & Osawa, M. 1993, 男女倉遺跡群詳細分布調査における黒曜石資料の原産地推定-機器中性子放射化分析による微量成分元素存在量からの検討-. In: 黒耀石原産地遺跡分布調査報告書(和田峠・男女倉) (Survey Report of Wadatoge and Omekuradani Obsidian Source site of Nagano Prefecture) (Minoru Morishima and Koichi Moriyama, Ed.), Wada Village Board of Education, Nagano: p. 178-202. (in Japanese) ("Sourcing Obsidian Artifacts of Omekura sites from Minor Elements Abundance with INAA")

Sugihara, S. 2011, 蛍光X線分析装置による黒曜石製遺物の原産地推定-基礎データ集〈2〉-. Cultural Properties Laboratory of Meiji University, Tokyo, 294 p. (in Japanese) ("Souring Obsidian Artifacts Using X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer – Data book (2)")



Comment citer

Uemine, A. (2015). Event review: How Interesting Archaeology Is! - Captivating and Leading-Edge Student Research. Journal of Lithic Studies, 2(1), 175–180. https://doi.org/10.2218/jls.v2i1.1247



Event reviews