Raw material provenance of silicite artefacts: Korobchyne-kurhan, Central Ukraine


  • Helena Wehren University Bern
  • Oleksandr Nezdolii Stone Age Archaeology Department, Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 12 Heroiv Stalinhrada av., 04210, Kyiv, Ukraine; oleksandr.nezdolii@gmail.com
  • Jehanne Affolter Archaeological Institute of the University of Berne, Ar-Geo-Lab Neuchâtel




Korobchyne-kurhan stone age site in the Velyka Vys River basin, in Central Ukraine is investigated for raw material and contacts. The surrounding geography and the site are presented. The extensive search of outcrops around the monument resulted in nearer outcrops than was previously expected. Scientific investigations on 15 artefacts from Korobchyne-kurhan using non-destructive microfacies analysis allows us to have a first insight in the raw materials used by the prehistoric people and to give a detailed description from the encountered silicite varieties. Interestingly artefacts, composed of two different materials were found. That work confirms the use of the local materials as well as of some other material of yet unknown origin. The exogenous material is as well testified in younger sites in the Southern Buh River valley farther to the west.


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Cómo citar

Wehren, H., Nezdolii, O., & Affolter, J. (2021). Raw material provenance of silicite artefacts: Korobchyne-kurhan, Central Ukraine. Journal of Lithic Studies, 8(2), 29 p. https://doi.org/10.2218/jls.4435