Clovis intentional bifacial overshot flaking: Two replica examples


  • Bruce Arlan Bradley University of Exeter


Palabras clave:

Clovis, Solutrean, lithic technology, biface production, overshot flaking, replica


Understanding flaking technologies has become an important aspect for flaked stone analyses and interpretations. Experiments are increasingly being used to investigate aspects of technology. One of these aspects is the existence of a technique known as overshot flaking. While most researchers recognize that it happened some assert that it was an intentional technique unique to Solutrean and Clovis archaeological cultures. Others have disputed this assertion and have concluded that it was not a useful technique and therefore unintentional. This small study experimentally examines two reduction sequences that employed intentional overshot flaking and evaluates its usefulness. The conclusion is that it is a useful technique, for a number of reasons, and that it was intentionally employed in some past biface production strategies.

Biografía del autor/a

Bruce Arlan Bradley, University of Exeter

University of Exeter
Department of Archaeology


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Cómo citar

Bradley, B. A. (2016). Clovis intentional bifacial overshot flaking: Two replica examples. Journal of Lithic Studies, 3(1), 51–62.



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