Bilingual Research Article Template (Primary = Portuguese)


  • Otis Crandell Journal of Lithic Studies



MS Word template file for articles with bilingual titles and captions, and an extended abstract in the second language.

This template can be used for the following types of articles.

Research articles
Research articles should present original research on completed projects or significant discoveries and must present clear conclusions.
Word limit: 6000 words

Short reports
Short reports should present project descriptions. They may be either general reports on completed projects or significant updates for on-going projects. They do not necessarily need to present conclusions or conclusions could be preliminary.
Word limit: 1000 words

Methodology demonstrations
These articles should explain a new or modified methodology tested by the authors. Authors are encouraged to use a variety of media types (e.g. video, screen shot images, 3D images) in addition to a short written text. Methodology demonstrations do not necessarily need to present conclusions but opinions on the method including its benefits as well as short-comings should be discussed.
Word limit: 2000 words 

Summary, synthesis, and annotated bibliography articles
These articles present an overview of a particular topic or sub-field with a connection to lithics research. This may be lithics research in a particular country or region. It may also be a historical overview of a topic (e.g. historical perspective of a prehistoric technology, or historical overview of a particular theory), or it may be a summary of knowledge about a lithic material itself or a scientific method. In general, these articles should include an overview of the history of the topic (e.g. history of lithics research in the region) as well as an overview of the current research being done on the topic. They should contain a large bibliography so that readers can use the articles as a starting point for finding references. The author should indicate recommended references.
Recommended word limit: 4000 words.


General description

The following are the general modifications for bilingual Portuguese articles. In addition to being in Portuguese, the other main difference from regular articles is that there is an extended abstract in English (in addition to the regular abstract in Portuguese) which is longer than normal. The extended abstracts help readers determine the content of the article if they have limited Portuguese reading skills and thereby encourage the dissemination of the research internationally.

Bilingual articles:
1. Articles have an extended abstract English (see below).
2. The title is translated into English.
3. Keywords are in both languages.
4. If the institution of the authors has an official English name, this can be used along with the English title and abstract.
5. Figure and table captions appear in both Portuguese and English. Figures which contain text which would be different in English (e.g. place names or object labels) will have either an explanation or translation in the English caption, or will provide a glossary at the end of the article. Alternatively, text on the figure may be in both languages if it does not detract from the image.
6. As in regular articles, bibliographic references which are not in English will include a translation of the title into English. They may also have a second translation of the title into Portuguese. Additionally, references which are in English will include a translation of the title into Portuguese.

Extended abstracts:
7. 500-1000 words.
8. Follow the same format as the article but have no headings.
9. Must mention methodology, overview of results, and conclusions.
10. Appear at the end of the article (along with the English title and keywords).

Biografía del autor/a

Otis Crandell, Journal of Lithic Studies




Cómo citar

Crandell, O. (2016). Bilingual Research Article Template (Primary = Portuguese). Journal of Lithic Studies.



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