Biography of Jack Holland (1926-2014): Chert expert


  • William Engelbrecht SUNY Buffalo State. 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY, 14222, U.S.A.
  • Lisa Marie Anselmi SUNY Buffalo State. 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY, 14222


Palabras clave:

lithic studies, archaeology, Jack Holland


Jack was born and grew up in Lock Haven Pennsylvania, the son of William G. Holland and Florence (Davies) Holland. He had an older brother, William and a younger brother, Donald. Jack spent much of his boyhood roaming the surrounding flood plains of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River looking for arrowheads. As Jack recalled, his parents gave him a great deal of freedom, just asking that he be home in time for dinner. Dr. T. B. Stewart, a Lock Haven dentist, encouraged Jack’s early archaeological interest, helping him to identify specimens. Dr. Stewart had an extensive archaeological collection and had worked with Donald Cadzow, Pennsylvania’s State Archaeologist (1929-1939). Dr. Stewart was also one of the founders of the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology, an organization with which Jack would later become involved and that bestowed their J. Alden Mason Award on him as a professional who encouraged society members in the “proper pursuit of archaeology.” 

Biografía del autor/a

William Engelbrecht, SUNY Buffalo State. 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY, 14222, U.S.A.

Professor Emeritus, Anthropology Department

Lisa Marie Anselmi, SUNY Buffalo State. 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY, 14222

Associate Professor & Chair


Sole Author

Holland, J. D., 1988, Some Dover Billets. In Twentieth Century Lithics, (Waldorf, D.C., Ed.), Mound Builder Books, Branson, Missouri, p.93-96.

Holland, J. D., 1989, Paleoindian Conference in Maine. Chips, A Publication of the Flintknappers’ Guild International, 1(3):3.

Holland, J. D., 1991, Review of Arrowheads and Spear Points of the Prehistoric Southeast: A Guide to Understanding Cultural Artifacts, by Linda Crawford, University Press of Mississipppi, Jackson. Journal of World Anthropology 1(1).

Holland, J. D., 1992, Onondaga Chert. Chips, A Publication of the Flintknappers’ Guild International. 4(1):3-5.

Holland, J. D., 1992, Silver Mound Quartzite: or is it? Chips, A Publication of the Flintknappers’ Guild International. 4(2):3-4.

Holland, J. D., 1992, Burlington Chert. Chips, A Publication of the Flintknappers’ Guild International. 4(3): 3-4.

Holland, J. D., 1992, Knife River Flint. Chips, A Publication of the Flintknappers’ Guild International. 4(4):4-5.

Holland, J. D., 1993, Glass of the Fire Mountains. Chips, A Publication of the Flintknappers’ Guild International.5 (2):6-7.

Holland, J. D., 1993, The ABC’s of Flintknapping: A Flintknappers’ Alphabet. Bulletin of Primitive Technology. 5:71-72. Society of Primitive Technology.

Holland, J. D., 1993, Paleoindians of Western New York. In Prehistory of Western New York, (Herold, E., Ed.), State University of New York at Buffalo and F. M. Houghton Chapter, New York State Archaeological Association. p. 10-14.

Holland, J. D., 1994, English flint on the Coast of Maine. Chips, A Publication of the Flintknappers’ Guild International. 5(2)6-7.

Holland, J. D., 1994, Lithic Procurement at the Paleo Crossing Site, Medina County, Ohio. Current Research in the Pleistocene 11, 61-63.

Holland, J. D., 1994, Mount Jasper Rhyolite. The Flintknappers’ Exchange. Baton Rouge.

Holland, J. D., 1996, Geoarchaeology of the Kilmer Site: A Paleoindian habitation site in the Appalachian Uplands. North American Archaeologist. 17:93-111.

Holland, J. D., 1999, Lamb Site Lithics: Local and Exotic - An Analytical Assessment. American Society for Amateur Archaeology. 5:103-104.

Holland, J. D., 2003, A Guide to Pennsylvania Lithic Types. Journal of Middle Atlantic Archeology.19:129-150.

Holland, J. D., 2004, New Data on late-Pleistocene Lithic Artifacts from the Hiscock Site (Western New York). Current Research in the Pleistocene. 21:46-48.

Holland, J. D., 2004, Lithic Types of New York. The Bulletin: Journal of the New York State Archaeological Association. 120:17-36.

Holland, J. D., 2005, Chert and Other Lithic Materials of Prehistoric New Jersey. Bulletin of the Archaeology Society of New Jersey. 60:54-61.

Holland, J. D., 2005, Types and Varieties of Archaeologically Relevant Ohio Chert. Ohio Archaeologist. 55:20- 22.

Holland, J. D., 2006, Virginia Lithic Types: Chert, Quartzite, and Others. The Quarterly Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Virginia. 61:137-152.

Holland, J. D., 2007, West Virginia Lithics of Potential Prehistorical Significance. West Virginia Archeologist. 53:19-24.

Holland, J. D., 2008, Illinois Chert Types. Illinois Antiquity. 43:3-17.

Holland, J. D., 2009, FDR and me: archeology-politics. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. 38: 31-32.

Co-Authored publications

Tankersley, K. B. & Holland, J.D., 1994, Lithic Procurement Patterns at the Paleo Crossing site, Medina County, OH. Current Research in the Pleistocene. 11: 61-63.

Ennis, R., Hess, M., Holland J.D., Honsinger, V., Smith, K. P., Tankersley, K.B., & Vanderlaan, S., 1995, Survey and Test Excavations at the Arc site, Genesee County, New York. Current Research in the Pleistocene. 12:9-11.

Tankersley, K.B., Holland, J.D., & Kilmer, R.L., 1995, The Kilmer Site: A Paleoindian Site in the Allegheny Plateau. Current Research in the Pleistocene. 12:46-48.

Tankersley, K.B., Holland, J.D., & Kilmer, R.L., 1996, Geochronology of the Kilmer Site: A Paleoindian Habitation in the Appalachian Uplands. North American Archaeologist. 17(2):93-111.

Tankersley, K.B., Vanderlaan, S., Holland, J.D., & Bland, S., 1997, Geochronology of the Arc Site: A Palaeoindian Habitation in the Great Lakes Region. Archaeology of Eastern North America. 25:31-44

Smith, K.P., O'Donnell, N., & Holland, J.D., 1998, The Early and Middle Archaic in the Niagara Frontier: documenting the “Missing Years" in Lower Great Lakes Prehistory. In Contributions to the Natural Sciences and Anthropology: a Festschrift in Honor of George F. Goodyear, convened by Ernst E. Both. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. 36:1-79.

Holland, J.D., & Ashton, R.L., 1999, The Flately Brook Quarry: A source of Normanskill Chert Located in Washington County, New York. The Bulletin: Journal of the New York State Archaeological Association. 115:13-16.

Ellis, C.J., Tomenchuk, J., & Holland, J.D., 2003, Typology, Use and Sourcing of the Late Pleistocene Lithic Artifacts from the Hiscock Site. In The Hiscock Site: Later Pleistocene and Early Holocene Paleoecology and Archaeology of Western New York State, Laub, R.S., Ed., p. 221-237. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences 37.

Storck, P.L., & Holland, J.D., 2003, From Text to Context: Hiscock in the Paleoindian World. In The Hiscock Site: Later Pleistocene and Early Holocene Paleoecology and Archaeology of Western New York State, Laub, R.S., Ed., p. 281-300. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences 37.

Holland, J.D., & Ashton, W., 2008, Indiana Chert Types. Illinois Antiquity. 43:18-26.

Smith, K.P., Engelbrecht, W. & Holland, J.D., 2010, Late-Paleoindian Archaeology at the Eaton Site, Western New York. Current Research in the Pleistocene. 27:142-145.

Roets, M., Engelbrecht, W. & Holland, J.D., 2014, Gunflints and Musket Balls: Implications of the Occupational History of the Eaton Site and the Niagara Frontier. Northeast Historical Archaeology. 43:18-33.


Holland, J.D., 1992, R. Haas Site II (UB 1061), Orchard Park, NY: Artifact assemblage & lithic analysis. Prepared for R. M. Braun, Watch Hill Development Corp., Orchard Park, New York. Smithsonian National Anthropological Archives.

Holland, J.D., 1992, Selected Lithic Sources of Public Accessible Sites. Smithsonian National

Anthropological Archives.

Holland, J.D., 1993, Lithic Sources of the Northeast. Smithsonian National Anthropological Archives.

Holland, J.D., 1993, McKee Site (Bear Paw), Niagara County, New York. Lithic Analysis, Stage 3, Locus 2, Test Units. Smithsonian National Anthropological Archives.

Holland, J.D., 1994, Arc Site (MDA 17-4) Genesee County, New York, Artifact Inventory: Stanley Vanderlaan Collection. Holland Lithic Laboratory, Buffalo Museum of Science, Buffalo, New York. Smithsonian National Anthropological Archives.

Smith, D., Schieppati, F., Holland, J.D., Emans, R., Steinbeck, M., & Cinquino, M., 2007, Phase III Cultural Resources Investigation of the Prehistoric Component (AO.0236502940) within the Erie Canal Harbor Archaeological District, City of Buffalo, Erie County, New York. Smithsonian National Anthropological Archives.



Cómo citar

Engelbrecht, W., & Anselmi, L. M. (2015). Biography of Jack Holland (1926-2014): Chert expert. Journal of Lithic Studies, 2(1), 143–150.


