Aproximación al estudio arqueopetrológico de la industria lítica procedente del abrigo de La Roureda (Vilafranca, Els Ports, Castelló, País Valencià) [Archaeopetrological study of the lithic industry from “La Roureda” rockshelter]


  • Mar Rey-Solé Universidad de Barcelona
  • Dídac Roman Universidad de Barcelona
  • Javier Mangado Universidad de Barcelona




flint, raw materials, archaeopetrology, Valencian Country, prehistoric mobility patterns


Archaeopetrological study of the lithic industry from “La Roureda” rockshelter (Vilafranca, Els Ports, Castellón, Valencian Country)

Roureda’s (La Roureda) rockshelter is an Epimagdalenian site located in Vilafranca (northern Valencian Country) in the east of the Iberian Peninsula.

The site was discovered by Dr. F. Arasa in the late 1970s. More recently, two vertical trenches were dug at this site to determine the sequence of occupations over time: a 2 m2 trench on the rock shelter floor and a 1 m2 trench on the eroded area under the platform. The excavation of the 2 m2 in the rock shelter outlined an Early Epimagdalenian level dated to 11350  ± 50 BP (13373-13122 cal. BP).

One of the main features in this site is the abundant lithic industry recovered (4639 pieces), all of it made exclusively from chert. In recent years, the typology and technology of these materials has been studied but this is the first archaeopetrological study, not only for this site but for this region of Iberia.

Among the stone tools, backed bladelets are the most significant typological group, followed by the truncated bladelets and the group of notched-denticulates. End-scrapers and pieces with retouched edges are also important. The remaining groups represent less than 3%.

The archaeopetrological study has been divided into two parts. Firstly, a macroscopic approach (petrographic and micropalaeontologic) was developed for all the retouched tools (286), the production blanks (2459) and cores (20). It should be note that during the excavations, 4639 elements were recovered, but about 45% of these being debris.

Secondly, geological surveys were developed, which allowed for the identification of several outcrops with cherts within a 100 km area around the site. Several samples of those cherts were microscopically compared to some of the archaeological lithic samples.

The results of these analyses allow for the identification of the presence of 4 different varieties of chert, with a primarily brackish or lacustrine origin. Two of them (Types A & B) corresponding to a palustrine environment formation, one (Type D) related to a marine environment formation, and finally, one (Type C) being undefined.

Two of these varieties, the most abundant in the site (Types A and B) may be related to several outcrops located both in a local and regional distance. Meanwhile, Types C and D are much less abundant.

The nearest varieties of chert to the site (Types A & B), which are of high quality for knapping and relatively homogenous, were the most common in the Epimagdalenian level. These types showed all stages of the “Chaine Opératoire Lithique” (C.O.L.) within the site. Nevertheless, a distinction can be observed between them. While Type A was used mainly for projectiles and in a lesser way for domestic tools, Type B was mainly used in the opposite way (mainly having been used for domestic tools). The explanation will likely be related to the homogeneity of their textural differences.

On the other hand, neither Type C nor Type D showed the complete sequence of the C.O.L. The first was probably introduced into the site mainly as knapped blades or bladelets, while Type D, the lowest in quality, was mainly used for domestic purposes. It was not possible to locate the outcrop of type C. Nevertheless, the outcrops of Type D are relatively abundant and in spite of its quality for knapping, this chert was frequently used. Outcrops of this type of chert can be found throughout the region.

The aim of this project in the near future is to enlarge this study to other Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sites and develop a deeper knowledge of the siliceous outcrops used by hunter-gatherer populations in this region. This is a project of great relevance, not only for understanding the economy of raw materials at the Roureda rockshelter, but also for knowing the possibilities of chert trade in northern Valencian Country.

Author Biographies

Mar Rey-Solé, Universidad de Barcelona

Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología
Universidad de Barcelona
C/ Montalegre 6. 08001

Dídac Roman, Universidad de Barcelona

Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología
Universidad de Barcelona
C/ Montalegre 6. 08001

Javier Mangado, Universidad de Barcelona

Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología
Universidad de Barcelona
C/ Montalegre 6. 08001


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How to Cite

Rey-Solé, M., Roman, D., & Mangado, J. (2015). Aproximación al estudio arqueopetrológico de la industria lítica procedente del abrigo de La Roureda (Vilafranca, Els Ports, Castelló, País Valencià) [Archaeopetrological study of the lithic industry from “La Roureda” rockshelter]. Journal of Lithic Studies, 2(2), 119–143. https://doi.org/10.2218/jls.v2i2.1434



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