LegioLit: Knappable material lithotheque in the Prehistory Laboratory at the University of León, Spain


  • Diego Herrero-Alonso University of Salamanca
  • M. Natividad Fuertes-Prieto Universidad de León
  • Esperanza Fernández-Martínez Universidad de León
  • Fernando Gómez-Fernández Universidad de León
  • Eduardo Alonso-Herrero Universidad de León
  • Ana M. Matero-Pellitero Universidad de León




chert; radiolarite; database; lithotheque; lithic raw materials; Cantabrian Mountains; Iberian Peninsula


This work introduces a comparative collection located in the Prehistory Laboratory at the University of León (Spain) specialised in knappable raw materials, mainly comprising radiolarite and black chert (micro-crypto crystalline quartz), from the western Cantabrian Mountains (north of Iberian Peninsula). A standardised protocol of sample collection and data organisation was developed, which includes the use of several methodologies. First, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for referencing lithic sources. Second, direct observation of the sample for the macroscopic characterization, both de visu and stereomicroscope. Third, petrographic microscopy for a description of main petrological, and palaeontological features, complemented with the identification of the different minerals that make up the samples by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Forth, X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) and Thermogravimetry – Differential Scanning Calorimetry (TG-DSC) for geochemical and thermal features of the samples. Finally, the results of these analyses were entered in a database. All this information is contributing towards the creation of a physical reference collection specialised in local Palaeozoic formations (mostly from Devonian to Carboniferous) that outcrop in the western Cantabrian Mountains, a region whose potential resource base was previously not very well known. This collection would allow to compare archaeological lithic remains from different sites inside and outside the Cantabrian Mountains.

Author Biographies

Diego Herrero-Alonso, University of Salamanca

Departamento de Prehistoria
Historia Antigua y Arqueología
Universidad de Salamanca

M. Natividad Fuertes-Prieto, Universidad de León

Área de Prehistoria
Universidad de León
Departamento de Historia
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Campus de Vegazana s/n
24071 León

Esperanza Fernández-Martínez, Universidad de León

Área de Paleontología
Universidad de León

Fernando Gómez-Fernández, Universidad de León

Área de Prospección e Investigación minera
Universidad de León

Eduardo Alonso-Herrero, Universidad de León

Área de Edafología y Química del Suelo
Universidad de León

Ana M. Matero-Pellitero, Universidad de León

Área de Prehistoria
Universidad de León
Departamento de Historia
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Campus de Vegazana s/n
24071 León


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How to Cite

Herrero-Alonso, D., Fuertes-Prieto, M. N., Fernández-Martínez, E., Gómez-Fernández, F., Alonso-Herrero, E., & Matero-Pellitero, A. M. (2018). LegioLit: Knappable material lithotheque in the Prehistory Laboratory at the University of León, Spain. Journal of Lithic Studies, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.2218/jls.2926