Archaeopetrological approximation to the lithic procurement of the neolithic axes and adzes from Can Sadurní’s cave (Begues, NE Iberian Peninsula)
axe, Neolithic, archaeopetrology, Can Sadurní’s cave, lithic procurementAbstract
Can Sadurní’s cave, located in Begues (NE Iberian Peninsula), in the Baix Llobregat region, is an archaeological site with a wide stratigraphic sequence covering from the Epipaleolithic hunter-gatherers societies at the beginning of the Holocene to Roman times. During the excavations of the last years a large number of different raw materials used for the manufacture of axes have been recovered.
The present study is focused on the Neolithic sequence. 31 axes and adzes have been characterised petrographically with the aid of a binocular microscope and transmission microscope. A great variety of rocks constitute the raw materials of these stone tools, ranging from contact and regional metamorphic rocks to plutonic and porphyric igneous rocks. The formers are the most abundant (up to 78%) and include hornfels, spotted phyllites, marbles, quartzites, slates and phyllites. The igneous rocks consist of granodiorite, porphyry and aplites. Such a great assemblage of rocks matches in a geological context representative of a plutonic intrusion and its metamorphic contact aureole. Following that scenario we suggest that the most likely source area for all these materials occur at the Collserola hills, at 27 km far to the east from the cave, at the other side of the Llobregat River, where an Hercynian granodiorite and related igneous rocks intruding Ordovician metasedimentary materials are presented.
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