Transverse grooved artefacts from southwestern Asia and northern Eurasia: Common traits and the reconstruction of function


  • Irina Usacheva Russian Academy of Sciences



transverse grooved artefacts, grooved stones, shaft straighteners, Mesolithic-Proto-Neolithic, southwestern Asia, ground stone tools


Transverse grooved artefacts (TGA) appeared as a new cultural element in Mesolithic-Proto-Neolithic sites in southwestern Asia. We know of similar artefacts from northern Africa. Hundreds of TGA have also been found in northern Eurasia. Some common traits were found in specimens from far apart territories, such as the non-abrasive heat-resistant nature of the raw materials, specificity of fragmentation without any signs of physical impact, the standard size of the grooves, association with a specific type of landscape, the similar economic level of the societies with which the items are associated, and use-wear marks in the grooves. Based on these regularities we can speak of a single main function for these artefacts which support the earlier reconstruction of R.L. and R.S. Solecki, suggesting that grooved stones were used for straightening cane and reed shafts under heating. Other evidence and traces that have been identified on the surface of TGA outside the groove could be associated with a variety of additional functions.

Author Biography

Irina Usacheva, Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of the Problems of Northern Development, Siberian Branch
Russian Academy of Sciences
Malygina 86, Tyumen, 625003


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How to Cite

Usacheva, I. (2016). Transverse grooved artefacts from southwestern Asia and northern Eurasia: Common traits and the reconstruction of function. Journal of Lithic Studies, 3(3), 589–606.



Presented at the 1st Meeting of the Association for Ground Stone Tools Research