La tecnología lítica durante el Magdaleniense en la vertiente Mediterránea de la península Ibérica [Lithic technology during the Magdalenian in the Mediterranean side of the Iberian Peninsula]


  • Dídac Roman Universitat de Barcelona



lithic industry, technology, Magdalenian, Epimagdalenian, Mediterranean Iberia


Lithic technology during the Magdalenian in the Mediterranean side of the Iberian Peninsula

This paper analyzes the technical processes of the lithic industry in the Mediterranean side of the Iberian Peninsula during the Magdalenian and the Epimagdalenian (ca. 16500-10000 BP; 20000-11500 cal. BP). The main objective of this paper is to analyze the methods and techniques of lithic production to identify processes of continuity or change in the production during the period under study.

The paper begins with a brief review of previous studies in Iberian Magdalenian and a first approach to lithic typology of the studied period. In this section we can see the continuity is the main feature throughout the Magdalenian. Backed points and bladelets, specially the straight backed bladelets, are the link between all the period. However, there are three general aspects for observing some diachronic changes: the different types of backed bladelets (and variation in retouch features), the end-scrapers and the burins.

Subsequently, we expose the existing data for each of the phases that Magdalenian and Epimagdalenan have been divided, paying special attention to the data provided by production systems: the operational systems, supports production, technology of retouched tools and maintenance core elements.

This technological approach takes into account all existing data in the Iberian Mediterranean, both published by other researchers as new information from the research we are currently developing.

As can be seen throughout the work, the technology studies for the Magdalenian in the Mediterranean side of the Iberian Peninsula still has not much information in its earliest phases (MI: Ancient Magdalenian and MM: Middle Magdalenian), being the middle phases (MS: Upper Magdalenian and MSF: Final Upper Magdalenian) and the last phases (EPM: Epimagdalenian) those with an acceptable number of studies that allow an approach to lithic production systems.

In general, blank production during the Magdalenian has a main goal: the production of backed bladelets to be transformed in projectiles, either as lateral or apical end. In relation with the other blanks, only blades (sometimes, laminar flakes) are also a main objective, although in most cases integrated or subsidiaries of microlaminar productions. Flakes, often have special schemes (discoidal or centripetal) and their exploitation is not too much present, being most of the flake stone tools performed in accidental or not researched flakes.

As a general conclusion we can say that there is some continuity throughout all the period, although we can see some differences that help us to understand lithic production objectives in each phase.

Undoubtedly, variations in microlaminar stone tools (projectiles) are those will guide the lithic production. And requirements of larger or smaller pieces, blanks more or less pointed, or the final use like lateral or apical projectile, determine the use of different production schemes.

If we focus on the period between the Upper Magdalenian and the Epimagdalenian, we have said that there is a major difference, which is the existence of more complex schemes in the Upper Magdalenian, while in the Epimagdalenian these schemes seem to be simplified. Simple schemes exist in all cases, but at the same time, during the Upper Magdalenian, we have observed the existence of other more complex schemes, requiring more preparation and maintenance.

Author Biography

Dídac Roman, Universitat de Barcelona

SERP (Seminari d'Estudis i Recerques Prehistòriques)
Departament Prehistòria, Història Antiga i Arqueologia
Universitat de Barcelona


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How to Cite

Roman, D. (2015). La tecnología lítica durante el Magdaleniense en la vertiente Mediterránea de la península Ibérica [Lithic technology during the Magdalenian in the Mediterranean side of the Iberian Peninsula]. Journal of Lithic Studies, 2(2), 145–165.



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