Lithic technology of an Itaparica industry archaeological site: the Gruta das Araras rockshelter, Midwest of Brazil


  • João Carlos Moreno de Sousa Rio de Janeiro Federal University



Brazilian archaeology, Itaparica tradition, Lithic Technology, Pleistocene-Holocene Transition.


The Itaparica tradition is a lithic industry largely known with evidences of its presence in sites all over Brazil’s Central Plateau. Its main characteristic is the overwhelming presence of unifacially retouched artifacts (limaces) in these sites during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition and Early Holocene. Previous researches confirm the technological similarity of the limaces between some of these sites. This paper presents a technological analysis of the flaking residues of one of these sites: The Grutas das Araras Rockshelter, in which the oldest levels were interpreted as a lithic workshop.

Author Biography

João Carlos Moreno de Sousa, Rio de Janeiro Federal University

PhD student at the National Museum.


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How to Cite

Moreno de Sousa, J. C. (2016). Lithic technology of an Itaparica industry archaeological site: the Gruta das Araras rockshelter, Midwest of Brazil. Journal of Lithic Studies, 3(1), 87–106.



Research Articles