Early Middle Palaeolithic occupations at Ventalaperra cave (Cantabrian Region, Northern Iberian Peninsula)


  • Joseba Rios-Garaizar CENIEH (Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana)




Late Middle Pleistocene, Early Middle Paleolithic, lithic technology, mobility, Neanderthal, behavior


The Middle Paleolithic assemblage from Ventalaperra level III, excavated in 1931 by Aranzadi and Barandiarán, was initially interpreted as being Aurignacian, and then as a Late Middle Paleolithic assemblage. Recent excavations at the site undertaken by Ruiz Idarraga and d'Errico have confirmed the Middle Paleolithic attribution, and have additionally produced data on subsistence strategies and environmental conditions. The results obtained from the technological analysis made on level III’s assemblage suggest that its characteristics fit with an Early Middle Paleolithic attribution. The extensive use of local raw materials, the absence of ramified productions, and the use of centripetal (Levallois and Discoid) and SSDA flaking systems, link this assemblage with sites like Arlanpe and Lezetxiki VI which have been dated to the end of the Middle Pleistocene, or nearby sites such as Abrigo Rojo, still under study. This reveals a behavioral pattern for Early Middle Paleolithic populations in the eastern Cantabrian Region characterized by an extensive use of the landscape, high mobility, short occupations and a high dependence on local resources to assure subsistence and technological provisioning.

Author Biography

Joseba Rios-Garaizar, CENIEH (Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana)

Scientist / Curator Lithic Collection
Traceology Group


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How to Cite

Rios-Garaizar, J. (2016). Early Middle Palaeolithic occupations at Ventalaperra cave (Cantabrian Region, Northern Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Lithic Studies, 3(1), 161–183. https://doi.org/10.2218/jls.v3i1.1287



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