Open Science in the Wild

A view from the UCL Office for Open Science & Scholarship




This talk uses real-world case studies to explore where and how open research can address global challenges and make a difference in the lives of everyday people worldwide. We explore these challenges through the work of UCL’s Office for Open Science and Scholarship and discuss how it is approaching support for similar projects and the expansion of the institution’s achievements in Open Science across the board.

Author Biography

Kirsty Wallis, University College London

Kirsty Wallis is the Head of Research Liaison at UCL. She is responsible for managing a number of teams with research support responsibilities, including RDM and Bibliometrics teams. She is also the internal lead for Open Science advocacy.

Prior to joining UCL, Kirsty was the Scholarly Communications Manager at the University of Greenwich (London, UK) and the Research Support Librarian at the University of Kent (Canterbury, UK). She also has a MSc in Library and Information Studies from Aberystwyth University, a BSc in Biological Anthropology from the University of Kent.




