About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The e-Journal of East and Central Asian Religions is concerned with the way in which the religious cultures of East and Central Asia have interacted historically and continue to interact in the present. In particular we seek to disseminate original research on primary sources that span both geographical and disciplinary boundaries. The work to appear in e-JECAR is of three types: (i) extensive research articles; (ii) essays from emerging scholars, to give (typically) younger scholars the opportunity to present recently completed work (e.g. a doctoral thesis) or to describe new work that they may be embarking on (e.g. a post-doctoral project or a new database); (iii) review articles that engage with issues raised by recently published research (please note that we do not publish short, mainly descriptive book reviews); and (iv) research notes, when a full-length article would be neither appropriate nor desirable.

e-JECAR is published in electronic form only and is offered to the academic community and the general public in the spirit of open scholarship and open-source technology. Authors are encouraged to exploit the opportunities offered by new technology, e.g. in including graphic materials and audio-visual sources that inform their work.

This journal continues the focus of Studies in Central and East Asian Religions, originally published by The Seminar for Buddhist Studies (Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark), volumes 1 to 9 of which have been made available by the kind efforts of the Institute of Buddhist Studies at Berkeley, under the direction of Prof Richard Payne, for which we are inordinately grateful. The fully searchable digitized versions are also open access and can be downloaded from their site:


Journal Information & Policies

Please see our Journal Information & Policies page for details of the Journal's peer review process, Open Access policy and other journal information.