
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Two Word (.docx) documents of the abstract are required. One without any author information, and one with all the authors' names and affiliations.
  • The body of the abstract text must be less than 300 words.
  • The abstract title must be less than 50 words.
  • A maximum of one display item (e.g. figure, diagram or table) may be submitted per abstract. Display items’ legends should not exceed 100 words.
  • A maximum of 5 references may be included.

Author Guidelines

As a first step of the submission, create a profile using the Register link at the top of the page.

After you have registered, you will be able to see the submission page where you should take the following steps:

Step 1: (Start) Acknowledge submission guidelines by ticking the boxes. You can skip the section "Comments to the Editor". Click save and continue.


Step 2: (Upload Submission) Please upload two versions of your abstract in Word (.docx) format. One version must include only: the title, the abstract text, references, and if desired a display item. Another version must include: the title, the abstract text, references, and if desired a display item, plus a list of all the authors and the affiliations. This submission approach is needed to ensure that the review process is double blinded. Author's affiliations should be added as indicated in the example below:


John Doe [1], Mary Doe [2] and Peter Pan [3]

[1] University of XYZ, Country 123

[2] Centre for PET research, Country ABC

[3] Institue 123, Country XYZ


The method of uploading is the following:

"1. Upload File", here choose which file you want to upload first (the double blinded or the one with all the authors' information). After you choose one of the options, upload the .docx file, then press continue.

"2. Review details", here you just need to click continue.

"3. Confirm", here click the "Add another file" and this will bring you back to the beginning of the uploading pipeline. Re-do step "1. Upload File", where you should select the "It is not a revision of an existing file" option from the dropdown menu. Then select the other document that you want to upload (the double blinded or the one with all the authors' information). After uploading your file and if "Possible Duplication or Revision Detected" pops up, select option "This is not a revision of an existing file" from the drop down menu. Then "2. Review details" and "3. Confirm".

You will then be able to see both of your files uploaded. Please make sure that the documents have the correct labels. After checking them, you can advance to the next step.


Step 3: (Enter Metadata) Please fill in the required fields. Prefix and subtitle are not required fields, we recommend to skip these fields. Copy the abstract text into the appropriate box. Please do not add tables/figure/authors/affiliations to this box. Then you can add any contributors, co-authors and their affiliations by clicking "Add contributors". 


Step 4: Proceed to the next page and send by clicking "Finish submission". You should receive an email after a successful submission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.