Knappable lithic resources of North-Western Romania: A mineralogical study




knappable material, lithic tools, jasper, perlite, chalcedony, lithotheque, Eastern Carpathians, NW Romania


The purpose of this study is to identify and characterise some of the raw materials in NW Romania which have been suggested as having been used for knapping tools. The materials cropping out in this area include jasper, chalcedony, and perlite. The basic characteristics of the materials, obtained by macroscopic, microscopic, and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) investigations provide a reference database useful in provenance studies on individual artefacts or whole assemblages. An assessment of each material is made regarding its quality as a knappable material.

Author Biography

  • Otis Norman Crandell, Babeș-Bolyai University

    Geology Department


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Knappable lithic resources of North-Western Romania: A mineralogical study. (2014). Journal of Lithic Studies, 1(1), 73-84.