Detecting human mobility in the Pyrenees through the analysis of chert tools during the Upper Palaeolithic


  • Marta Sánchez de la Torre Seminari d'Estudis i Recerques Prehistòriques, Dept. Prehistòria, Història Antiga i Arqueologia, Universitat de Barcelona



petroarchaeology, Alonsé Cave, Forcas I Shelter, Cantabrian Lower Magdalenian


The purpose of this paper is to present the preliminary results of PhD research focused on hunter-gatherer groups that occupied the Central and Eastern Pyrenees during the Magdalenian period. This research aims to improve the knowledge we have about those Magdalenian groups, specifically concerning their lithic procurement strategies. The core of the study is based on the lithic tools collected from two archaeological sites - Alonsé Cave and Forcas I Shelter, both in Huesca, Spain-, and in particular those made from chert, because they are both a spatial and a cultural marker at the same time. These cherts have been studied using petroarchaeological methods, and as a result, it has been possible to detect the type of procurement strategies carried out and to guess the relation existing between those human groups and their environment, especially in what refers to mobility strategies.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Detecting human mobility in the Pyrenees through the analysis of chert tools during the Upper Palaeolithic. (2014). Journal of Lithic Studies, 1(1), 263-279.