Yokomichi: An Upper Palaeolithic assemblage from Japan, seen from a French technological eye


  • Jacques Pelegrin Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
  • Yoshihiro Aita Koriyama Women’s University
  • Ishiro Yamanaka Kyoto University Museum




prehistory; lithic technology; “chaîne opératoire”; French approach; Yokomichi; Upper Palaeolithic; Japan; blade production


Since the 1970’s, the study of lithic prehistoric collections in France has improved through a profound modernisation. André Leroi-Gourhan, first interested in traditional and ethnological techniques, decided to consider all remains and traces left by a human group within a prehistoric site as evidence of its activity, thus opening the “palethnological perspective”. He also promoted the principle of “chaîne opératoire” (that is, to consider the successive actions and gestures engaged in the transformation of diverse raw materials) a notion which had been formerly introduced by Marcel Mauss. But, it is the experimentalists of stone knapping, François Bordes and Jacques Tixier, who made it possible to enrich this notion with its concrete applications. Above all, Tixier, armed with his clear practical understanding of knapped pieces and his pedagogic skills, enriched and stabilized the lithic terminology, and systematized the “technological reading” of lithics, in other words, the reading of the direction and order of the different scars (negatives of previous removals) visible upon the surface of a flake, a core, or a shaped tool, thus allowing one to mentally reconstruct the fabrication of a tool or the reduction of a core. He also introduced the capital distinction between the “method of knapping” (the arrangement and succession of the removals to reach the goal of the chaîne opératoire, i.e., a type or a class of blanks or tools), and the “knapping techniques” (that is, the practical mode of detachment, e.g., direct percussion with a hard stone or a wooden billet, pressure with an antler or copper point, etc.).

On this basis, in 1980, Tixier together with a few close colleagues from France and Belgium introduced the concepts of economy of raw materials, debitage, and tools, all three concepts being corollaries of the concept of management rules. The notion of intention - which articulates the blank production modalities and the morphology of the blanks obtained and that of the final tools - also appears, which is the basis of the postulate according to which the knapping modalities (effective decisions and actions) are coherent with the morphology of the expected or priority products. It is this postulate, parallel to that of “design theory” taken up by Brian Hayden, which founded, through the consideration of all the lithic remains, the French approach in lithic technology:  to perceive - to understand - the intentions of lithic production within a site or collection before classifying and measuring.

This principle is then applied to the small (324 pieces, including 30 to 40 tools) lithic collection from the site of Yokomichi (Yamagata Dept., Northeastern Honshu), with blade production but without (i.e., anterior to) bladelet or microblade production; thus datable to approximately 18,000 BP C14 non-calibrated, from regional chronostratigraphical comparisons).

At first it appears that two different blade productions co-exist: one of light and straight blades with a small platform remnant detached from slender cores, and the other of larger blades with a thick platform remnant detached from wider cores. Among the retouched tools, it is the few “Sugikubo knives” (straight and pointed backed points) whose blanks correspond to the priority intention of the slender core reduction, a few other tools being retouched on “second choice” blanks (irregular, too thick, etc.). Such a Sugibuko knife, in a similar collection, shows a fracture with a ventral elongated tongue [“languette” in French] that strongly indicates that this type of tools is actually, at least in part, a projectile point.

Various observations then suggest that the priority intention of the wide core reduction was to obtain one or a few large pointed blades, which are very difficult to achieve, while its many second choice products and by-products (being too short, having cortex, etc.) could have been used as unretouched knives or resharpened as “Kamiyama burins” (these are indeed blades or flakes modified by a “pseudo” upper plane burin blow from an inverse truncation, very similar to Kostienki knives).

A further experiment shows that both blade productions were made by direct percussion with a soft stone, but in different ways: by tangential percussion for the light blades with a small platform, and by direct percussion inside the striking platform for the stronger blades with a thick platform.

Author Biographies

  • Jacques Pelegrin, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

    Maison Archéologie Ethnologie
    UMR 7055, 21 allée de l’université,
    92023 Nanterre cedex

  • Yoshihiro Aita, Koriyama Women’s University

    Koriyama Women’s University, 3-25-2, Kaisei, Koriyama, Fukushima, 963-8503, Japan

  • Ishiro Yamanaka, Kyoto University Museum

    Kyoto University Museum


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How to Cite

Yokomichi: An Upper Palaeolithic assemblage from Japan, seen from a French technological eye. (2017). Journal of Lithic Studies, 4(2), 447-473. https://doi.org/10.2218/jls.v4i2.2551