Lithic raw material procurement for projectiles points in the prehistory of Uruguay


  • José María López Mazz Universidad de la República, Montevideo
  • Óscar Marozzi Universidad de la República, Montevideo
  • Diego Aguirrezábal Universidad de la República, Montevideo



Uruguay, early Holocene, lithic procurement strategies, projectiles points


This paper focuses on current research on early colonisation of the Atlantic coast of South America during the early Holocene. We present advances in the investigation of raw material procurement at the Rincón de los Indios site, located in the eastern part of Uruguay. The technological studies suggest that some aspects of different styles of projectile points are related with environmental adaptation processes, experienced by the first American people in the New World. The occupation of new spaces and new forms of exploitation of resources changes the organisation of lithic technology. The distance to good quality rocks were critical for the opportunities and economic organisation of hunting groups. The study of changes in lithic procurement strategies for projectile points helps us develop a more comprehensive knowledge of this important social adaptation process which occurred during this period. These patterns started to become stabilised in the latter part of the early Holocene across the extended territory and confirm the efficient land occupation associated an intensive hunter-gatherer economies.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Lithic raw material procurement for projectiles points in the prehistory of Uruguay. (2015). Journal of Lithic Studies, 2(1), 83-95.