About the Journal

Focus & Scope  

Film-Philosophy  considers articles on any subject relating to film and philosophy.  Film-Philosophy  is interested in the ways in which films develop and contribute to philosophical discussion. We particularly welcome articles that set up an active engagement between film studies and philosophy, thereby sustaining a thoughtful re-evaluation of key aspects of each discipline. 

 Journal Information & Policies 

This site (http://journals.ed.ac.uk/f-p-submissions) is used to manage article and book review submissions only. 

Film-Philosophy  is published by Edinburgh University Press and is fully Open Access, with no charge to authors or readers: http://www.euppublishing.com/r/film-philosophy

Founded in November 1996,  Film-Philosophy  is an international academic journal dedicated to the intersection of film studies, philosophy, global cinema and the moving image.

Our mailing list is a useful resource for information on publications and conferences in the field.

Our  Facebook group  has over 15,000 members. 

All articles published in  Film-Philosophy  are double-blind peer-reviewed. 

We host an  annual conference  related to the work of the journal.