Society News


  • The Editor



Perhaps the most encouraging feature of the 235th Session’s busy programme was the revival of interest in the presentation of Dissertations by members.

In recent years relatively few have taken this opportunity to express their knowledge and views on a subject of their own choice and to defend them if necessary in the face of all comers.

One only needs to look at the list of topics chosen to appreciate that the interests of Society members are still as wide as they have ever been: “Lignocaine — its rational use in Clinical Practice”, T.F. Benton: “There's nowt as queer as Folk”, R. Bolas: “The Effects of Prolonged Spaceflight on Man”. W. A. Branford: “Out Damned Clot” , I. J. Cartlidge: “Carcinoid Tumour” , N. J. Douglas: “Consciousness Altering Drugs” — Man’s Search for Unreality”, A.R.W. Forrest: “Some Aspects of Cystic Fibrosis”, Diana Girdwood: “ Concerning the Function of 3' 5' Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate in Brain”, M.A.R. Knock.  Happily, at the time of writing, a sneak preview of the new syllabus reveals that the 236th Session also has its full quota of Dissertations.


How to Cite

Editor, T. (2014). Society News. Res Medica, 7(1).


