

  • Various Authors



  • Auscultation of the Heart (3rd. Edition) by R. W. D. Turner. E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 6 /- .
  • A Dictionary of Microbial Taxonomic Usage by S. T. Cowan. Oliver & Boyd. 4 2 /-.
  • Acute Myocardial Infarction . Eds. D. G. Julian and M. F. Oliver. E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 50 /-.
  • Textbook of Medical Treatment. Eds. Dunlop and Alstead. E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 75/-.
  • Medical Aspects of F itne ss to Drive Vehicles. A Report by the Medical Commission on Accident
  • Prevention. 5/-.
  • Modern Trends in Toxicology I. Eds. Boyland and Goulding. Butterworth & Co. 75/-.
  • Vascular Diseases by M. J. Tsapogas, V. V. Kakkar & E. N. Gleave. H. K. Lewis & Co. £2 10/-.
  • Principles of X-Ray Diagnosis by D. H. Trapnell. Butterworth & Co. £6 10/-.
  • Elements of Medical Genetics by Alan E. H. Emery. E. & S. Livingstone. 35/-.
  • The Principles and Practice of Medicine (9th.Edition) by Sir Stanley Davidson. E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 45/-.
  • Develpoment of the Brain by W. A. Marshall. Oliver & Boyd Ltd. 7/6d.
  • Speech and Hearing Science by W. Zemlin. Prentice Hall International. 102/6d.
  • Industrial Dermatoses and The Industrial Injuries Act by J. T. Ingram. J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 10/-.
  • Scoliosis by J. I. P. James. E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 55 /-.


How to Cite

Authors, V. (2014). Books. Res Medica, 6(3).



Book Reviews