Book Reviews


  • Various Authors



Notes On Medical Virology by Morag C. Tinbury. Published by E. & S. Livingstone Ltd., E d in burgh 1967.

Racial And Geographical Factors In Tumour Incidence (University of Edinburgh Press— Pfizer Medical). Monograph No. 2. Edited by A. A. Shivas. 63s.

Psychiatric Disorders Of Obstetrics by A. A. Baker.Blackwell ScientificPublications. 27s 6d.

A Synopsis of Children's Diseases (4th Edition) by Rendle- Short & Gray. John Wright & Sons Ltd.. Bristol, 52s 6d.

Biochemical Values In Clinical Medicine by RobertEastham. John Wright & Sons Ltd., Bristol. 15s.

Roxburgh’s Common Skin Diseases (13th Edition) by Peter Borrie. H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd. £2 10s.

A New Look At Industrial Medicine by R. L. Luffingham. Pitman Medical 12s 6d.

Cervical Spondylosis edited by Lord Brain & Marcia Wilkinson. William Heinemann Ltd. 55s.

Diseases Of The Nose, Throat And Ear (8th Ed.) by Hall & Coleman. Livingstone 30s.

The Vesico-Vaginal Fistula by J. Chassar Moir. Bailliere Tindall & Cassell Ltd. 60s.


How to Cite

Authors, V. (2014). Book Reviews. Res Medica, 6(1).



Book Reviews