The Investigation of a patient believed to have a blood disorder


  • Ronald Girdwood



One of the difficulties of writing an article on this subject is that of finding a suitable title, since one is not dealing with a system of the body in the usual sense of the term, but, instead, with a number of conditions which are
related only in that an abnormality exists either in the formed elements or the clotting mechanism of the blood. Accordingly there is a great variation in the spectrum of possible physical abnormalities and, indeed, there may be a serious blood disorder with neither symptoms nor signs.

For this reason it is necessary to approach the subject in a manner somewhat different to that employed by other writers in the current series of articles, and to stress particularly the importance of both the history and the laboratory investigations.


How to Cite

Girdwood, R. (2014). The Investigation of a patient believed to have a blood disorder. Res Medica, 6(1).