Lauder Brunton


  • Mr. R. D. Hunter



A mere glance at this, the chronological details of the career of Thomas Lauder Brunton would suffice to convince even the most uninformed that this symposium bears honour to one whose contribution to medicine and her allied sciences is of a degree which cannot adequately be assessed a full century later. When one considers that by the age of 30 he had gained the Gold Medal Doctorate in Medicine, a Doctorate in Science and had been elected to a fellowship of the Royal Society, it becomes obvious that his secret of success must have been present from the very beginning of his career. I make no apology therefore for not attempting a full biographical view of his distinguished career but merely illuminating some details of his early years in Edinburgh, when those firm foundations were being made.


How to Cite

Hunter, M. R. D. (2014). Lauder Brunton. Res Medica.