Electron Microscopy in Glomerulonephritis


  • M. K. McDonald




Electron microscopy has been in use as a research tool for many years, and as such has helped to demonstrate and elucidate the fine structure of many organs, including that of the kidney. The intricate pedicel structure of the renal glomerular epithelial cell, the glomerular endothelial fenestrae (Fig. I) and the varying cytological arrangements in the tubular part of the nephron were all unknown before the advent of electron microscopy. As a development of this anatomical function of the microscope, the technique began to be applied to diseased tissues in an attempt to analyse further the relation of disordered structure to disordered function. This type of investigation held the inherent difficulty that human tissues to be examined in this way had, of necessity, to be biopsy material, since autolytic changes in post-mortem material arc so gross that cytological ultrastructure is significantly destroyed.


How to Cite

McDonald, M. K. (2013). Electron Microscopy in Glomerulonephritis. Res Medica, 5(3). https://doi.org/10.2218/resmedica.v5i3.469


