

  • David J Clark




The story of Res Medica has been one of success, so far. The Journal was started only two years ago and has prospered enormously. The people responsible for this success are undoubtedly the members of the first Editorial Committee. Our role has been simply to add fuel to the fire which their enthusiasm set alight. Thus, during its second year, the Journal's circulation has doubled. The size has grown considerably, and we are financially stable. It has been our aim to base Res Medica on the Society's public business and as many as possible of our Addresses, Talks, and Dissertations are now included. We hope that future editors will follow this policy.

In the present issue we include a most fascinating article by Professor Swann. In those long past lectures to us in our first year, he expressed complicated ideas in a minimum of words. He has a knack of using a short word where others might use a long one, of using one word where others might employ two. Consequently his lectures are stimulating and intelligible even for those whose education has not included any biological study. His article reminds us of this talent and provides us with much to think about. It is easy to see why he was so delighted to obtain that electron microscope.


How to Cite

Clark, D. J. (2013). Editorial. Res Medica, 1(4). https://doi.org/10.2218/resmedica.v1i4.297


