North American Frontline Medical Care as Experienced on a Fifth Year Elective


  • Stewart Pattman



When planning my elective I wished to experience Medicine in North America as it is often at the forefront of medical developments. This would also allow me to make comparisons with our National Health Service. I arranged a four week attachment in cardiology in Toronto and a similar period at Columbia University Hospital in New York in the Medical Emergency Room. As an undergraduate, no formal USMLE qualifications were required for elective periods at these locations, and in order to work in America all doctors must have these qualifications. As I do not intend to obtain this qualification this was the only opportunity for me to experience the healthcare system in North America from the inside!


How to Cite

Pattman, S. (2014). North American Frontline Medical Care as Experienced on a Fifth Year Elective. Res Medica, 268(1).