The Fricative Manoeuvre: Dialect Style-Shifting between Castilian and Mexican Spanish in YouTube Interviews with Musician Paul Banks


  • Mario Magued Mina
  • Jasmina Kerla



style shifting, intraspeaker variation, sociophonetics, Spanish


This study examines style-shifting in the case of Paul Banks, lead singer of the indie rock band Interpol, who spent a substantial amount of time during his adolescence in Spain and Mexico and therefore has access to their corresponding dialects. Our results show that Banks uses the dialect of the viewers during interviews. We see this as a strategy to index locality and solidarity in both Spanish-speaking regions and to convey aspects of his past and identity in order to win over viewers and fans.


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How to Cite

Magued Mina, Mario, and Jasmina Kerla. “The Fricative Manoeuvre: Dialect Style-Shifting Between Castilian and Mexican Spanish in YouTube Interviews With Musician Paul Banks”. Lifespans and Styles, vol. 3, no. 2, June 2017, pp. 13-19, doi:10.2218/ls.v3i2.2017.1863.


