This is the first volume of Lifespans & Styles: Undergraduate Working Papers on Intraspeaker Variation . The journal was inspired by the fact that, while many undergraduates produce exceptional scholarship, most do not get an opportunity to share their work with the wider academic community. Some may go on to postgraduate study in the same field of study as their undergraduate degree, but most will not continue in academia, or if they do, they will often change subfield. Meanwhile, the research they produce for a class, a dissertation, or a thesis will end up in a university library archive or, much more likely, buried in the folders of their personal computer. It is my belief that this is a disservice to both the student and the academic community at large. This journal was founded in the spirit of giving excellent undergraduate work the exposure and longevity that it deserves.
Coupland, Nikolas. 1980. Style-shifting in a Cardiff work-setting. Language in Society 9:1–12.
Coupland, Nikolas. 1985. 'Hark, hark, the lark': Social motivations for phonological style-shifting. Language and Communication 5:153–171.
Harrington, Jonathan, Sallyanne Palethorpe, and Catherine I. Watson. 2000. Does the Queen speak the Queen’s English? Nature 408:927–28.
Hay, Jennifer, Stefanie Jannedy, and Norma Mendoza-Denton. 1999. Oprah and /ay/: Lexical frequency, referee design, and style. In Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, ed. J. J. Ohala, Y. Hasegawa, M. Ohala, D. Granville, and A. C. Bailey, 1389–1392.
Podesva, Robert J. 2007. Phonation type as a stylistic variable: The use of falsetto in constructing a persona. Journal of Sociolinguistics 11:478–504.
Podesva, Robert J. 2008. Three sources of stylistic meaning. In Texas Linguistic Forum Proceedings of the Symposium about Language and Society — Austin (SALSA 15), ed. K. Shaw, S. Wagner, and E. Yasui, 134–143.
Rickford, John R. and Faye McNair-Knox. 1994. Addressee- and topic-influenced style shift: A quantitative sociolinguistic study. In Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Register, ed. D. Biber and E. Finegan, 235–276. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rickford, John and Mackenzie Price. 2013. Girlz II women: Age-grading, language change and stylistic variation. Journal of Sociolinguistics 17:143–179.
Sankoff, Gillian. 2004. Adolescents, young adults and the critical period: Two case studies from “Seven Up”. In Sociolinguistic Variation: Critical Reflections, ed. C. Fought, 121–39. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
Schilling-Estes, Natalie. 1998. Investigating “self-conscious” speech: The performance register in Ocracoke English. Language in Society 27:53–83.
Shapp, Alison, Nathan LaFave, and John Victor Singler. 2014. Ginsburg v. Ginsburg: A longitudinal study of regional features in a Supreme Court Justice’s speech. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 20, ed. D. Gylfadottir, 147–158.
Sharma, Devyani. 2011. Style repertoire and social change in British Asian English. Journal of Sociolinguistics 15:464–492.
Trudgill, Peter. 1983. Acts of conflicting identity: The sociolinguistics of British pop-song performance. In On Dialect: Social and Geographical Perspectives, ed. P. Trudgill, 141–160. Oxford: Blackwell.
Watt, Dominic, Carmen Llamas, and Daniel Ezra Johnson. 2010. Levels of linguistic accommodation across a national border. Journal of English Linguistics 38:270–289.
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