Encapsulated Skin-Ego and Anti-Corporeal Manichaean Myth of Femininity in Transmission


  • Ahmad-Reza Mohammadpour-Yazdi Sigmund Freud University Vienna
  • Martin Jandl Sigmund Freud University Vienna
  • Abolghasem Esmailpour Motlagh




We propose, within the context of a Skin Model of Ego Development (SMED), that Didier Anzieu’s work of the skin-ego is a useful entry point into understanding the Manichaean mythic view of femininity as creating an encapsulated skin-ego, that tends to enclose the feminine object in a defensive-isolative capsule, through culturally transmitted ideals, shaped by misogyny. Utilizing this perspective, the unconscious and the myth are seen as being, in general terms, intertwined and expressed in epidermal psychoanalytic dialogue. As a result, the psyche and the body are radically split from one another through the dysfunctioning of the skin-ego that is an asexualized phantasmal-mythic dome of ‘womanhood’, which preserves misogynistic norms and ideals and blocks any possibility of femininity as a subjecthood. Moreover, a culturally transmitted myth-fueled psychic alienation is conveyed through a linguistic mythic time machine, which, in turn, results in transmitting a mythic mindset from one generation to another. In this sense, it is of utmost importance to mention that dysfunctional skin-ego leads to dysfunctional thinking ego therein the result is the isolated mind. Encapsulated thinking ego rejects embodiment, spontaneity, and connectedness with anything that has to do with emotional life. To enrich our discussion, the Matrix movies are used to discuss how the Manichaean system of thought is in motion and survives in transmission.


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How to Cite

Mohammadpour-Yazdi, A.-R., Jandl, M., & Motlagh, A. E. (2020). Encapsulated Skin-Ego and Anti-Corporeal Manichaean Myth of Femininity in Transmission. Language and Psychoanalysis, 9(1), 26–45. https://doi.org/10.7565/landp.v9i1.1702



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