Three Approaches to Psychical Reality: An Interview with Dr. Antoine Mooij
During the fall of 2012, my first semester in the newly developed doctoral program Psychology: Consciousness and Society at University of West Georgia, I happened upon a remarkable book that was to become a continuing source of inspiration and guidance for my studies in psychology pursued as a human science – Antoine Mooij’s Psychiatry as a Human Science: Phenomenological, Hermeneutical and Lacanian Perspectives. Human science psychology emphasizes the centrality and irreducibility of psychical reality, of first person subjective experience, even as it recognizes its overdetermined character in the multiple causal networks of evolving nature and culture.
Mooij, A.W.M. (1975). Taal en verlangen. Lacans theorie van de psychoanalyse. (Language and desire: Lacan’s theory of psychoanalysis). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Boom.
Mooij, A. (2010). Intentionality, desire, responsibility: A study in phenomenology, psychoanalysis and law. Leiden, Belgium: Brill.
Mooij, A. (2012). Psychiatry as a human science: Phenomenological, hermeneutical and Lacanian perspectives. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Rodopi.
Mooij, A. (2015). In de greep van de taal. Symboliseren en betekenisgeving: Lacan en Cassirer. (In the grip of language. Symbolization and meaning: Lacan and Cassirer). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Sjibbolet.
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