Temporality 1: Heidegger’s analysis of time and its relation to psychoanalytic theory


  • Paul Cammell Department 




In this article I attempt to demonstrate the relevance of the philosophy of time to psychiatric, psychological and psychoanalytic theories of development and therapeutic action. I choose to explore and analyse the writings of Martin Heidegger, arguably the twentieth century’s pre-eminent philosopher of time. I then develop links between his philosophy and Freudian theories of time, and in particular Freud’s notion of Nachträglichkeit, as advanced in the writings of André Green and Jacques Derrida. I conclude by advancing a range of temporal concepts that may be employed in the analysis of developmental theories and clinical approaches. In an accompanying article I undertake such an analysis, relating in particular to borderline conditions. 


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How to Cite

Cammell, P. (2014). Temporality 1: Heidegger’s analysis of time and its relation to psychoanalytic theory. Language and Psychoanalysis, 3(2), 4–21. https://doi.org/10.7565/landp.2014.006



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